332 Indian Food Recipes - Sanjeev Kapoor

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Hey nice post this post will help me a lot ,I was goin to buy a book of Sanjeev kapoor.
Thanks Again......................:) R0GUE.
[mod]Radar, please clarify if the contents of the zip file are legal(freely download-able). If yes please also post the link.[/mod]
Yes they are the recipes that Sanjiv Kapoor has done on his shows and the copy is freely available over the net.

it`s just an ebook while the hard bound is paid.

But Ebook (originally) is free.

And yes Freely Downloadable.
^ Ok, trusting your words on this. If we receive any contrary info the same we would be duty bound to take off this thread.

Till then, happy downloading & cooking ;)
dipdude said:
^ Ok, trusting your words on this. If we receive any contrary info the same we would be duty bound to take off this thread.

Till then, happy downloading & cooking ;)
Thank you.

Always okay with your decisions
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