3rd party charger overheated and bricked iPhone 3GS

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I lost my charger a week back so I ordered one that said official iphone charger off eBay and i've been using it for a week. Anyway, today when I plugged my iPhone in, the screen shut off immediately and the phone started rapidly overheating even after I unplugged it from the charger. It kept heating up for like 10-15 minutes and now it's cooled down again, except its COMPLETELY dead. the screen doesnt turn on, no sounds, nothing. just like that. any idea what happened? and also, if it's bricked like this, can I get it replaced for free? I bought it less than a year back.

sigh :( this sucks.
Replaced from where? Was this bought through Airtel or Vodafone? If no, it cannot be replaced until it is sent back to the country of origin. Besides, there's a chance of the internals showing signs of damage as well.
I bought it from Canada coz I study there but now I'm in India for the summer :@ guess I'm gonna have to wait a couple of months. ****. can't believe plugging it in for 1 second completely fried it.
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