"4 8 15 16 23 42"

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Yes Dude he Framed Henry , But His intentions are not Good ! He is an Other now ! His Mission is to leed all the survivors In a Trap created by the others ! He did'nt do this so that the survivors help him in rescuing walt , but he did this so that he could further manipulate the survivors and leed them all to a trap !
if u remeber the episode where the blast doors come out... the diagram clearly shows there are 5 hatches on the islan...1 they are living in, 2 where the other survivors found the remaining video footage and got it here
3 where ethan took the pregnant girl, which she and kate dug up later
4 the one michael told abt is being guarded by the others...
tht leaves the 5th one..

wonder if both of them were killed for being bad girls and getting themselves jailed..

and check this out..
Well, i dont think 5 days in Jail will harm the Shooting much..

Guess it was in the Pipeline.

Why was libby killed though :@. Argh!

Edit : Hold on a second :S.

Both of them were thrown outta the show for getting caught by the police?

Do i smell something fishy there? :|.
Todays Episode is Titled "?" Do u guyz remember that map on the blast Doors ! there were 5 hatches in that map and all of them lead to a mysterious place known as "?" In Todays episode Locke and ecko will Travel to this so called place and find abt its mystry ! atleast I hope so......
bah... boring episode compared to the previous one... Another hatch found..
Libby survives for this episode... but then dies...
yep boring episode.they keep finding new things.
who knows........hurley will find McDonalds there next week :P
I Think the previous epi was boring except for the last 5 mintues when all the action happened ! I dont know abt this epi, hope its good , just 50 mb more to download ! Plz guyz dont give any more spoilers for another 2 hours !
Thanks for t he Spoilers.. NOT!!!!

Damn you ppl :@.

Stupid iGate down for 2 days, couldnt download :@.

Downloading now @ 130kBps :@
Whao !!! I just watched it ! Awesome awesome episode ! Now Thats the beauty of LOST ! It answers some of ur questions but at the same time Create some more new questions for ya to figure out ! We had the ECKO Flashback which I Think was pretty useless ! But it was the island which was interesting ! Actually everybody was expecting too much outta this episode coz of its Title but it Turned out to be the usuall cool LOST episode ! Anyways I would give it 8.5/10 ! No LOST episode is Bad , they r all very interesting , its just that some epi r better then the best ! Looking forward to the next epi ! :)
i seriously thought
the three minutes refered to that 4 8 15 16 23 42 thingi

now thats the real beauty of lost, u just cant freaking say whats gonna happen

and did everyone see the boat

what about the preview now thats cool, jack and all standing beside them notebooks in those tubes


4 8 15 16 23 42 "post quick reply"

OMG! Ghost-boat!?!? 22 is awesome!

I think the middle of the season got a bit boring, and now they are rushing things to get to the part thats supposed to make the season finale.
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