"4 8 15 16 23 42"

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everyone everywhere is trying to predict the cliff hanger

this onez gonna be big

they says its desmond's back story
+ they tell why flight 8 15 really crashed
+ answers answers answers

^^^ Yup , its desmond's and flight 815 flashback ! True that some questions will be answered but like always even more questions will pop up making the 4 months long wait for season 3 even more painfull ! :(
Ep22 was really interesting.

Got to know the story about Micheal.

Pretty cool.

Cant wait for Ep23 and 24 as well.
I dont Know , Its Just so Confusing ! Did Locke and Ecko Died ? And did everybody see that strange Bird ( Looks prehistoric ) ! It Looks Like the Swan Hatch is Destroyed ! Then wat will Happen to the Numbers ? All I can say is that I am speechlees ! What a Finale .....! Awesome ! :)
I say the Finale this afternoon...


Lost has ended on a high note! Cant wait for the next season!!!!

I do think Lock and Echo died. But that well know for sure only after like 4 months.

We do find out, that there is infact a way to get away from the Island. Unlike what happened to Desmond.

I have a feeling, this was all Desmond's Girlfriends Plan? She did mention to him, that she found him coz she has a LOT of money. So it is possible!!

I cant wait for the next Season!!!!
^^ No I dont Think There is way outta Island ! If There was then The others would'nt have simply given the boat to Micheal ! There is Definately something Fishy ! Perhaps they Know that Micheal wont be able to escape ! Remember Henry told Micheal to follow the compass , But the Fact is that the compass dose'nt work on the Island so maybe Henry was Just Lying to Micheal and maybe setting a Trap or something ! Also did u see those 2 russians at the end of the finale , I Think they were in antartica or something , but wat the hell were they doing there ? ..... This show Just keeps Gettin better and better ! Cant wait for the next Season ! :)
Well, those russian guys IMHO are not as confusing as they appear. I think, the Russian guys in the snow hut at the end of the finale are employed by Penelope. She said that "with enough money and determination you can find anyone". Somehow she knew about the EM device/anomaly on The Island. I think that this device generated a constant EM field (and either it was broadcast in such a way as to not disrupt the computers or the computer/other electronics were shielded) that hid the island from all conventional sensors. Compass needles, GPS and other NAV systems couldn't make heads or tails of it. That's why when Desmond did his big screw up on September 22nd, Flight 815 happened(?) to be flying nearby and the elevated EM levels disrupted their equipment, bringing them down. Now, when Desmond inserted his key and activated the self-destruct sequence, the EM device overloaded, emitting a massive pulse of energy...big enough to be detected by Penelope and her Russian friends. This was the first time that we've seen the "Outside World". There is now proof that this is not some simulation on an alien spaceship, a colony of the last remaining humans on a nuclear-war-ravaged earth, or a big collective dream. It's real (in the context of the show).

Also, somehow I think that those russian guys are not in Antartica after all. An electromagnetic disturbance which could pull off a plane could easily result in drastic weather changes as well. May be those russians are just close to the island and that would prove the presence of polar bears in the island as well.

Btw, check out this pic :O


The girl in hatch photo differs from the girl in the airport photo. Did desmond have TWO Girlfriends ?

Also check out this image :-


The numbers are everywhere :P. May be desmond was trying to send a message to Penny Windmore and shes on it. Also, Penny's father is an interesting character. Somehow he makes me feel that hes on Dharma.


Mod Edit : Please post thumbnails from next time.
^^ Wow...

I didnt notice that!!

Lost is getting seriously interesting.

Now the whole "Dragged" on thing has dissapeared hasnt it? :P.
lost finale was like....Wht the...... when does the next season start... me cant wait...
All this, and tht chaemeleon type bird was.. :O
^^Chaemeleon ??????? Looked Like a Dinosour to me ! :P The Next season starts in september or october ! The good thing about season 3 is that there ain't goin to be any repeats ! so we do not have to wait for weeks between episodes ! But Yeah Truly spectacular Finale !

Do You Think This Finale was better then season 1 Finale ? Plz Post ! :)
well, i think we know one thing though
(B*tches they come they go, saturday to sunday monday....)

i mean, the flight crash wasnt planned, it happened cos the button wasnt pushed, so that also disqualifies the jin's FIL, jak's DAD, n others from running the dharma
it also disqualifies the theory of these people being selected for the island

we also can disqualify the black smoke running into the plane engine, in a word, do not over analyse :P

we did not see how desmond went to the island, for all we know he was put there, by mr widmore of widmore labs

this widmore thing is new and interesting, a nice angle i must say

i hope we see and know more of libby,
^^As of yet nobody knows that for sure ! Its Just an assumption made by Desmond ! Even he does'nt know wat is Really goingon on the Island ! I Think The people r selected for the island ! Look How there story's connect with each other ! And then Why would the "others" want Jack , sawyer and Kate ?
another question i am asking is, why did henry want locke to not push the button
wasup with that

on lost forums, people are predicting, some kind of launch, rocket or something, welllllllllllllllll. we ll just have to wait and watch

anyone know the s03e01 broadcast date
Season 3 starts in October 4 ,2006 . hell cant wait for it

I am still shocked after all that happened in the Finale. So much action :o

More Answers solved, and a lot more questions raised. This seems even more interesting than the season 1 finale questioning what the hatch is all about.

Now it has got a whole new geological thing with the magnet. Something on the lines of they are somewhere on the earth which is aloof from the Rest of the world and Desmond being purposely put there by Widmore so that her daughter doesnt see Desmond again. And the Russian or whoever it was in the Ice checking for magnetic anomalies seemed spooky. Pen had them to locate where Desmond was :| And they said that they missed it the last time around (magnetic abnormaly) and they didnt want to lose it again

In short Cant wait for Season 3, Lost rocks !
well if remeber tht episode about Rose and her husband, taking her to be cured to a place in Africa, there he said that the geological phenomena there wasnt for her diesease, but on the Island, she feels herself cured... so magnetic therapy any 1 :P
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