4 Big-Name X360 Games Delayed Until Fall!!!

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According to Gametab, some of the most anticipated titles for the 360 are getting delayed :

Mass Effect, Bioshock, Eternal Sonata, and Blue Dragon have all had their release dates pushed back to late summer/early fall.

This leaves the 360 with a thin release schedule for the next 4 months with only a handful of games worth noting:

Forza 2 - A huge game for simulation racer fans, but for those who have played simulation racers and can’t manage to complete a single lap without crashing into the walls, it is a less exciting release.

Shadowrun - Multiplayer FPS built on the rules of an amazing scif-fi/fantasty RPG. Great for FPS fans with access to Xbox Live.

Tenchu Z - A continuation of the popular stealth series, playing as ninja assassins will added some additional breadth to the Xbox 360’s growing game library. The Tenchu series is infamously hit-and-miss though, so this game is only a maybe on whether or not it will be able to bring the fun this summer.

The Call of Juarez - Another shooter with an interesting setting, the demo showed off an odd take on bullet-time in which the player appears to control the aim of each of his six-shooters (and their reloads) separately. This could be really awesome, or it could be the same old thing with a gimmicky control mechanic.

The Darkness - You play as an assassin gunslinger with demonic powers in this game based on the graphic novel of the same name. I’ve seen a live demo and it looked fantastic, but as with all shooters, the controls must be satisfyingly smooth and the guns satisfyingly powerful or players can end up being frustrated or simply bored (as with Lost Planet’s weak sauce guns).

Two Worlds - BIG MAYBE. Two Worlds looks like a low-budget Oblivion, but with multiplayer. It is interesting enough to be on my radar, but I expect it will pull a Molyneux (over-reach and under-perform).

Overlord - In Overlord, you play as a bad guy, with monstrous minions that you direct them to help you murder fluffy happy beings like halfings (fantastics) well as to solve puzzles - ostensibly to get past obstacles so that you can continue murdering peaceful dancing beings. The concept is hilarious and convention defying, but the demo I saw showed your little minions behaving somewhat stupidly when not directed. Games with pets are generally only good when the pets are entertaining and not frustrating, so this is also on the “maybe†list.
6 Comments so far

The game which I wud look forward to is "The Darkness".....man it has got some amazing gameplay & Storyline......:) :) :)
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Mass effect was scheduled for a summer release so that is pretty bad, but I always thought Blue Dragon and Eternal Sonata for scheduled for a Q3 release.

Incidentally, Halo3 is supposed to come out in summer, so there might be that too, hmmm?
Call Of Juarez.....yes I played it.....it was good...western style...but i liked Gun more......Neways the games which are coming this summer for 360 I guess they sufficient for the summer holidays...Also M$ mite have purposedly delayed it to have a good fall lineup??? So they have an upperhand over PS3 & Wii....
oh man theyre bringing call of juarez to the xbx 360....

It was a freaking awesome game.. especially those shootouts....

yep darkness seems like the only good game releasing....Tenchu dunt think like its predecessor will be anything great....

Hope ps3 has a few exclusives up its sleves while 360 sleeps :P
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