40-47" tv

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Hello Guys,

Well, There are some TV Experts here so i request you to please suggest me the best 40-47" LCD/LED from the following for 75-95k max.

LED = 42LH90QR vs 47LH90QR vs UA40B6000VR

LCD (If any better in Perf./VFM than above) = 42LG80FR vs 42LH60YR vs 42LH70YR vs LA40B550K1R vs LA40B530P7R

I would suggest the OP to still drill down to precise inches. Because 40-47" is a very wide range especially in terms of price.
LG LH90 Model isnt available in Pune... dunno whats wrong with LG ?? playing same strategy as samsung like they blocked sales of B650 n B750 ??
well performance and VFM don't fit in the same page.
in the LED set if u get the LG 47LH90 for the same price as a 40B6000 i would go for the LG,since 7" is a lot ,but again depending on ur viewing distance.

in lcds i would pick the samsung 40B530 priced at 52k or less as low as 47k in diwali offer. or the 40B550A.
Leave the features aside for a minute, Performance (Pic. Quality) wise which is better ? LG or Samsung ?
look who is back :P

anyways buy a samsung led or sony w series in my opinion

I wouldn't trust any other brand for Picture Quality etc...

P.S. turnover & die too you moron :rofl:
Udit said:
look who is back :P

anyways buy a samsung led or sony w series in my opinion
I wouldn't trust any other brand for Picture Quality etc...

P.S. turnover & die too you moron :rofl:
Thanks for your suggestion.

P.S. Look whos talkin :bleh: Even TE people consider you as an exceptional case so it doesn't matter to me. Dogs keep barking :rofl:
Hi ,

I think LG sucks in performance & picture Quality, go for the Samsung. It has the good technology for LED/LCD TVs.

If this helps:-

I got a 46B6000 2 weeks back. After a lot of haggling, the final price was 98K. The W series at 1.1L was the other choice but finally settled for 6 Series. Entirely happy with it so far. There was an issue that the settings would change on its own. But this was fixed after loading the latest firmware. My viewing distance is approximately 10-11 feet. Initially, I thought this would be less for 46". But now I feel that 50" plasma would have been better...:bleh: Another thought was that the tata sky would look very bad on bigger screen. But on contrary, tata sky looks really good on a samsung when compared to LG. The best part is the absolutely stunning looks and you can hardly see the mounting brackets from side.
VOiLA said:
^^WoW man !! Gr8 price for 46" LED. Deciding between LA46B750U1R & UA46B6000VR.

good luck finding B650 and B750.
if size doesn't matter u can get a B6000 or a 40W550A priced about 5k more then B6000.

samsung ^ 6 series and above are good. LG is not that good in color reproduction.

(Although i have not tried the recent LG tvs with IPS panels )
IMHO, based on what I saw in the showrooms, S-IPS (LG) are more suited as PC monitors and for gaming (theoratically because of the lower response time, didn't get to try it at the showroom though :P) and exibit less color shift (only visible at extreme angles in case of s-pva) ... however as a TV and for watching movies the S-PVA (Samsung and Sony) are much better because of the better blacks and much more contrast that you get to play around with.
well LG specs are always good,but in real life sadly not the same when u go check them out,like for eg they advertize true motion 100hz/200hz in models costing really cheap ,compared to other brands like samsung/sony.well their 200hz is no better then the 100hz found in sony/samsung,infact slightly inferior.
motion of IPS is supposed to be good,but not in LG,even sonys low end T series is as good as LG with 100hz.
in other brands like sony/samsung when u engage this mode u can see a significant difference.

while colors of IPS monitors are better ,same cannot be said for IPS based lcd tvs,which are just like other VA based tvs,some are good but some are bad to.

the LG LH90 despite having local dimming its blacks don't look as deep as say the samsung LED lcds,because natively the VA based panels have black level that can match mosts plasmas out there.
^^ Which simply means that in current scenario if opting for LCD / LED LCD then first and foremost priority should be to Samsung and Sony and not LG. Asking because LG scores when it comes to price and many buyers (not in TE) would be lured that "47" ka TV 70k-80k mein mil raha hai..arrre waah" and thus not making an informed decision.
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