42" LCD TV for 40~45k ?

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[font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Pretty much similar to that of Mod to Odd, but need an LCD.[/font]


1. Budget. : 40k-45k.

2. Viewing distance : 8-12 feet approx.

3. Input Sources: HDTV Connection,
HD player, PS3.

4. Preference for TV: LCD TV/LED-LCD TV/Plasma : LCD.

5. Preference for brands : LG/Samsung/Panasonic

6. Willing to purchase it from the grey market? : Preferably No. Wont mind if something very impressive comes up.

7. Ambient lighting conditions of the room : Well Lit/2 Windows.

8. Any other feature you are looking for such as 3D support on the HDTV, DLNA capabilities etc:

Do not need: 3D capabilities.

Want: Feature to avoid Ghosting, DLNA will be good (do suggest models with and without DLNA for options' sake pls)[/font]

[font=georgia,serif]Thanks in Advance [/font]
So, did you buy ? If not, check the Panasonic L42U30D. Checked it while doing research on mine and it was good
Talk about luck.. i was trying to recall who had asked a similar query b4 the thread was revamped.

Was about to bump this thread up as well but held back till i had looked up the section entirely


Will def look this up now.
LG doesn't offer DLNA in their current LCDs. Their older LCDs were richer featurewise.

I never bothered researching on samsung as I wanted an IPS panel only.

Panasonic L42U30 is a good deal at 40k! Comes with all the features you desire

Also consider plasmas if you are very concerned about ghosting.
Panasonic L42U30D :-


1) 2 USB, 3 HDMI, 3 component/composite, 1 Ethernet port, 1 Audio out (Analog).

2) Sound: It has Dolby Digital with 20W RMS

3) IPTV features.

4) Plays MKV format files.

Doesnt plays file with size more than 1.5 GB.

That 1.5GB limitation is irritating a bit.

The panel wont be for my usage, but in my parent's room. So i can overlook this but then any chance of a family viewing and i cant play my HD movies on that display.. that ll really be a dampener.
You can get a lcd in grey market like the 40" CX520 or a samsung 40"D5500 LED-lcd if you are in delhi.

If you want a 42" LED-lcd you can also get the Sony 42EX410 it has a LG IPS panel ,so poor blacks is very much evident even in daytime.But nonetheless the cheapest 42" LED-lcd from a first tier company cost around 44k in grey market,buy a better buy would be the D5500 or EX520 LED-lcds.
If HD playback / video playback via USB isn't a concern, the Panasonic ones are the TVs to get! No second thoughts about that - no lottery like Samsung LCDs and it's a Panny, so quality ain't no issue
If HD playback / video playback via USB isn't a concern, the Panasonic ones are the TVs to get! No second thoughts about that - no lottery like Samsung LCDs and it's a Panny, so quality ain't no issue

Except the panasonic is good only in plasma and not in lcd, the TS has specified his preference to lcds ,in which samsung and Sony have excellent contrast and really good image processing and you don't get lottery in Sony.


For your viewing distance i would probably go with a 46" lcd and since you don't mind getting one from grey market you can get a Sony 46" CX520 for around 46k to 49k depending on which state you live.
I'm not sure why you want to make a decision based on file formats playable through USB, when you have a PS3 and a HD player. IMO, get a TV of your choice with good display, and get a full HD media player (if you already do not have one) and enjoy.

BTW, let us know about your opinion of the Panasonic L42U30D if you manage to get a demo. I have my eyes on this one.
Well u got most points correct, but for one essential one.. This tv is not for my room

And i would like the tv to have a decent format recognition out of the box so as to watch the classic movies.

And yea sure, i ll post about my impressions abt this panel. Should be by this weekend.
Except the panasonic is good only in plasma and not in lcd, the TS has specified his preference to lcds ,in which samsung and Sony have excellent contrast and really good image processing and you don't get lottery in Sony.

Please don't go by what was once a generally accepted opinion. Have you actually checked the Panasonic IPS LCD and LEDs? If not I'd suggest you do that before passing such comments in an advice thread.

#logistopath, go ahead with the L42U30D. But I'd still suggest you take a demo yourself to ensure satisfaction before making the purchase
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