I haven't kept in touch with latest models and prices.
One guy from forum bought MSI 4k 165Hz in 80s. This is the cheapest 4k oled that i have heard of yet.
There is much better value in 2k 360 ones. One msi model was going for 58k. Just a year back, 2k 360 was at 95k.
But for SP, i would 100% prefer 4k 32 and pay the premium as larger monitor is well worth it.
Also, TVs are supposed to have better hardware and cheaper prices. For content, its perfect but they are even larger.
If you can manage with 42+, then you can consider that.
Also higher refresh rates can also give less motion blur. So it can be useful for SP too, but its hard to run it at those rates.
See blurbusters website.
longevity - for content only, i think it should be fine. Perhaps if you have a game that you play for 100s of hours, then reduce/remove hud.
I work on it as well and take more precautions.
Black wallpaper, lowest brightness when working, reduce green and blue gain ( else white can be glaring against pitch black), dark mode, keep windows in random locations and not full screen,
hide task bar etc.
I absolutely love oled/hdr now, will never play on lcd again.
But i do use it in a dark room with no light shining directly on the monitor.
In a bright room, oleds might be less impressive, dunno. minileds are much brighter, but have other issues.
Even worst case usage only caused slight burn in for monitor unboxed, so hopefully this is a non issue if you take care of it.
This guys gives good tips on how to deal with HDR issues and options to get HDR in games that dont support it. Has been very useful for me and now i play every game with HDR.
I was not happy at all with my new LG OLED coming from a used $25 Plasma TV. Instead of returning the TV, I decided to learn how to get the best out of it and share that with everyone. I'm particularly interested in motion clarity and display technologies for gaming waiting for 8k 1000Hz 10000 nits
He made a summary video recently.