0-20k 5600 vs 5600x

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I was thinking of selling my 3700x and get a 5600 or 5600x is it a good decision? also what are the main difference between 5600 x and non x?
thank you
200mhz lower base and boost clock for 5600 as compared to 5600x. Both processors can be overclocked though so that doesn't matter, everything else is the same. Buy whichever is cheaper but 3700x to 5600 is not much of an upgrade, wait for new ryzen cpu's launch and then buy a used 5800x or 5900x.
I agree with @PradUp.

Why are you trying to upgrade? Are you looking to improve performance of any particular game/software/workflow? Or just trying to maximize the potential of your PC?
What is the rest of the PC configuration?
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