Graphic Cards 5670 on 350 watt psu

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ive got an iball 350 watt psu and i know ati recommends 400 watts for 5670 but i cant upgrade the psu and the 5670 seems much more vfm than 5570 so will it be able to run smoothly with 2 hdds and a dual core processor
Even an Iball 400 watts would be a risk with any modern day GPU, save up invest in a PSU first and then upgrade the graphics card. The FSP 350 watts model might just cut in, but dont even thnk on generic PSU like Iball, mercury etc...
Pentium D @ 3.0 + 2x 7200 RPM HD + 1x OD + 1x low CFM fan + misc USB devices = about 200W at load. The HD5670 takes about 80W at peak load. 280/350 *100 = 80%

What are the odds that the given PSU runs at 80% efficiency? You'd be smelling dead hardware even before you know it, change your power supply first. =\
I wouldnt risk it, I lost a card (radeon 9800 pro which is 5 year old tech) on a VIP 400 watts gold, which is a much better PSU then you have. Get a PSU first, save up and get the card later on.

And Damn, the generic PSU would overstate all parameters, the 350 watts wont even take 200 watts loads...
i had simimlar issues...i had intex 450W psu, turned out it cant handle my 4850 with all the components
so i had to use another 450W power suply (though a cheap one) alongwith my intex 450

so bfore investing ni any component, better invest in a good power supply, best go for corsair vx450, or 550 maybe
a corsair 450 can give 30amp easily on a 12v rail....unlike other cheap psu's
A FSP SAGAII 400w - 1.9k~ should be enough to handle a HD5670 and 2HDD's easily.

FSP is a major OEM power supply.

If you have the budget consider a Seasonic S12II 380w - 3k (80+ certified, 5yrs warranty)
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