PC Peripherals 5850 in Elite 335

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friends can hd 5850 could be fit inside the cooler master elite 335 chasis or it need more big one just want to clear the doubt.
The HD5850 measures ~240mm in length. The space between the hard drive cage and the slots for PCI-Ex cards on the enclosure measures approx. 310mm says CM here.

Leaving the adjacent slot(s) free of any hard drive, one can easily fit a 5870 (even a 5970 almost barely :P) inside the case.
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Desecrator said:
The HD5850 measures ~240mm in length. The space between the hard drive cage and the slots for PCI-Ex cards on the enclosure measures approx. 310mm says CM here.

Leaving the adjacent slot(s) free of any hard drive, one can easily fit a 5870 (even a 5970 almost barely :P) inside the case.

Thank you :hap2:
Migician said:
friends can hd 5850 could be fit inside the cooler master elite 335 chasis or it need more big one just want to clear the doubt.

it will fit easily in your case without any problem:), but make sure u havce good cooling in your case(ELITE 335).;)
bumping this thread--- will an ati 5850 msi twin frozr 2 fit in a coolermaster elite 310 case temporarily?

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