Well, I have some experience in this matter. Since I live in outskirts, internet connectivity is quite challenging

here. Last year I researched and bought
Yeacomm YF-P11 from Ali using an agent in china. It was pretty much of an hassle to get it shipped in India, so much that it became headache

. The item cost was 82$ something, agent charges 20$ flat as they don't take orders of value less than 100$. Then comes the shipping, they sent via DHL in courier mode for which they asked 40$ excluding customs and kyc ID. Then finally when item landed, it was held by customs asking for import license and documentation. It took so many calls to and fro, to get this item cleared(
It seems like anything coming from china is being resisted by customs, no matter what). Customs including the GST came down to whooping 45$

and couldn't argue with customs as they clearly mentioned I need to pay it, else item will not be released. DHL guys were not even putting in any efforts to negotiate, I guess they don't care at all. So overall - 82 + 20 + 40 + 45 = 187$. That's not it, now comes the interesting part. I finally received the product, and to ruin my happiness, product was DOA(Dead On Arrival). That left me shattered for couple of minutes. Eventually, I returned the product back to seller using Indiapost and got full refund 82$ but have lost more than product value.
Lesson learnt, be ready to pay hefty amount importing those things.
Fortunately, one of my business partner was travelling to Norway bought me 2 units of
Zyxel NR7101 from local store for 230$ each. Pretty happy with it's solid performance and works for both Jio/Airtel out of box. I still have one being unused if you want.