Wtf kinda shit packing is this? What is that white box? The usb3 dock?
Who is the seller? Give a negative feedback about the packing.
Who is the seller? Give a negative feedback about the packing.
Amazon is the seller. Both came from the Bangalore hub. My fears came true. Windows recognised the drive but fails to format it in the dock. Then I put the drive in the comp and again same problem. The drive is making weird noises when it starts or stops and windows disk management hangs. Any disk management software like Seatools, CrystaldiskInfo etc all hang since they cant read the drive. Even Seagate disk info software does not see the disk.
Edit: Now its not visible even in bios too.
Disk is confirmed dead.
I just got this today: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01LZP2B23/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
but it was properly packed in the official box. I was worried after seeing the thread
Why did you buy a portable when you were originally looking to expand your desktop's storage right?
Did you get a refund on the amazon?