860 Evo prices slashed at Amazon

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Just came across following

Had bought 500GB for 10800 a month ago .. now stands at 9500

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SSD prices are on a freefall. You can even buy 480GB SSD now for less than 6k shipped. They're only going to get lot cheaper as time passes.
which one ?

Few days ago asked a friend to get 860 evo 1tb from US .. INR 12000.
India prices were 22000 +
As usual EOL / older models products are being dumped in India.

In this case not exactly bad. The 850 EVO and follow on models are all excellent performers. Incredible vfm if the prices drop. Good chance for people holding out on buying to performing ssd's to go for them now
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Ended up paying almost 12000 for 256GB M2 970 imported from USA because it got randomly screened for customs :-/
Ended up paying almost 12000 for 256GB M2 970 imported from USA because it got randomly screened for customs :-/
Every parcel will be charged customs. No random screening. Always ask some one to carry it from it.
BTW. How was it shipped ? Post or Courier
I've had quite a few articles coming in via USPS and most of them got cleared w/o a fuss and most of the times with no duty and sometimes quite a small amount, all based on declaration. There's this flying squad kind of team which got hold of the current parcel. Parcel had 3 items, a base 970, another 970 Pro and an Amazon 4k stick. Rs 9600 penalty levied. A friend in custom got the details of package and helped with quick clearance but had to pay close to 41% of estimated value. USPS has always been the medium.

It was a moment of weakness for 970 that made us get all 3 items via USPS as the person who could have carried it changed plans. :banghead::banghead:
I've had quite a few articles coming in via USPS and most of them got cleared w/o a fuss and most of the times with no duty and sometimes quite a small amount, all based on declaration. There's this flying squad kind of team which got hold of the current parcel. Parcel had 3 items, a base 970, another 970 Pro and an Amazon 4k stick. Rs 9600 penalty levied. A friend in custom got the details of package and helped with quick clearance but had to pay close to 41% of estimated value. USPS has always been the medium.

It was a moment of weakness for 970 that made us get all 3 items via USPS as the person who could have carried it changed plans. :banghead::banghead:

How do you use USPS?
someone ships it for you or there is some kind of package forwarder?
Will there be any custom taxes over and above the price quoted on Amazon when shipped to India? Is it safe to provide them the Aadhar details?
Price: 7,033.51

Includes Import Fees Deposit

+ 332.45 Delivery Charge

You can ask for submitting some other id proof. Aadhaar is not to be shared with Pvt entity. Tell them you can submit any other id proof.

PS: if any one wants M2 SATA ssd I have put up one for sale.
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