860 Evo prices slashed at Amazon

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How do you use USPS?
someone ships it for you or there is some kind of package forwarder?

Yes, a friend does it there. Receives and ships.

8k now on amazon.in via Amazon global

Samsung 860 Evo 500GB 2.5 inch SATA III Internal SSD (MZ-76E500B/AM) https://www.amazon.in/dp/B0781Z7Y3S/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_C.7-BbQ7EJC61

8K for 512, Wow !!

970 M2 is what I got, wasn't available in India then. Seem to have lost quite a sum on 256GB variant but 970Pro prices still unreasonable in India. Even after that 41% custom, it was a good purchase.
Can't you deny the package if customs is so high

My bad. In the quoted post I've forgot to mention that there were 2 more items in the package, a 970 Pro 512 & Fire stick 4K. Total was 12K which is okay@ approx 41% with slight undervaluing of the actual cost.
And as mentioned, no point denying it. I've been lucky at other instances, not this time :sorry:
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