8gb kingston pendrive for rs. 350!

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Went to pallika bazar on saturday. I was there to buy a pendrive. My friend told me that you can get a 4gb kingston for rs.500. Then i checked some shops and yes 4gbs were available for rs.400 only. At one shop on the ground floor i asked the price of 8gb kingston he quated rs.750. Then my friend said he ll give only rs.250 for it.Then the shopkepper said not that low he can take for this drive.Then after some lowbailing he sold 2 8gb drivs for rs.700. That means 350 each and he said there is 6months replacement warranty which he is offering and the rest is upto kingston!

I found the price too good and ohhh forgot to mention the drive is the old white one and what u guys say about this price?

It might be fake. Original Kingston comes with minimum 5yrs international warranty. Reported capacity (8 gb) on these fakes are also misleading. Try loading 8gb of data in it and check. It might go upto a gb or so and then the drive will report errors.

I might be wrong. If possible, try loading 8 gb data and check.
did you chjeck whether the drives are genuine? Try formatting them and see if they have the same capacity after the format.
@nomad already did that i copied call of duty 4 and some video songs from friends pc and then copied it back to my pc it was totaling around 7.3 gb s and the drive holds the capacity of 7.79 gigs. and i think stock clearance can be the reason for this low cost!
did u get a bill? i guess these will be without kingston india warranty. or prob fake.

Do they have kingston india stickers etc on the outer packaging?
i got a bill but there is nt any kingston india sticker but there is that 6months warranty that was provided by the dealer @kumar formatted it 2 times after purchase and it s still 7.79 gigs!
will do some tests and will let u guys know if it is fake or not . will let you know till evening and if it is fake then the dealer is gone :2guns:
Im so sure that the drive is a fake one/refurbished one. How the hell can you get a kingston 8 gb for so cheap :S
if he quoted 750 ..what made ur friend bargain for 250??? what kind of Market is it?? No idea about Palika bazar...is it something similiar to chor bazar r what???:eek:hyeah: :eek:hyeah:
arey same were the case with 2gb mem stick of sony..later it came to know that a file of 1.2gb wasnt been able to b copied....later it was found to b much less than 2gb though even on comp it used to show 2gb but when the person dismantle it half of inside chip was missing...
I'd once got a quote of Rs.450-/- for a 8gb Kingston pen drive from Lammy streets, after checking the package I could tell that it was a fake. Instead went for a 8gb corsair.
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