User Guides A basic and simple guide to overclocking- for beginers

A introduction to overclocking for beginers-
Overclocking is a process of increasing the clock rates of a computer component than it was specified by the manufacturer.
Firstly i want to state that i am an overclocking enthusiastic and i have reached 3.42 ghz with my e5200(2.5ghz).
For starters especially who have bought new PC's >its a kind of risk if they do this without being aware of the result >the result may be in favour of or may not be.
It's a kind of addiction which grabs many...and it's not surprising to know that most of the common computer user's in india(especially) do not know anything about overclocking ,infact they haven't heard this term before.

Overclockers prefer overclocking of -
Here the concentration will be on o'cloking CPU.
First of all a beginer must know the capability of his proccy to overclock and whether his /her mobo supports overcloking.
Three years back my brother made a new rig with x2 3600+ with a MSI mobo...he prefered this proccy due to it's overclocking capabilty but but but he forgot about the mobo..when he tried to overclock the proccy through BIOS he came to know that his mobo didn't support overclocking.
But now things have changed and most of the proccy's and mobo's in the market are made to be highly overclocked and supportive:)

Before overclocking remove all sorts of fear from u'r mind and try to read and follow through BIOS.U will have to adjust the system voltages as well to match the needs of overclocking and i think most of the BIOS today guides the person to safely land into a perfect voltage for overclocking.
Most of the proccy's hav their clocking percentage set @ 100.So what u need to do is to increase this % slowly determining the stabilty of the>104>107>110>so on
The more u wanna overclock the better the cooling system must the guide is for beginers i do not expect the beginers to have very good cooling system of cooler master and all.
Even the people who have the stock cooling facilty can overlock their CPU for some means :)..since winters are coming people(especially) in the north and mid part of india stand a good chance to test the overclocking capabilties of their proccy's..:)
A good power supply is equally important

their are no basic steps to overclocking due to difference in BIOS but one can overclock his proccy by just being calm and.. most important-> read.
Here is screenshot of CPU-Z of and overclocked proccy-

1.The user can, in many cases, purchase a slower, cheaper component and overclock it to the speed of a more expensive component.
2.Faster performance in games, encoding, video editing applications, and system tasks at no additional expense, but at increased cost for electrical power consumption. Particularly for enthusiasts who regularly upgrade their hardware, overclocking can increase the time before an upgrade is needed.
3.Some systems have "bottlenecks," where small overclocking of a component can help realize the full potential of another component to a greater percentage than the limiting hardware is overclocked
1.The lifespan of a processor may be reduced by higher operating frequencies, increased voltages and heat, although processors rapidly become obsolete in performance due to technological progress.
2.Increased clock speeds and/or voltages result in higher power consumption

more information can be found @
that's all i had to say ..suggestions regarding bettterment of the guide would be appreciated:)
Nice thread bro. Its quite gud. I had heard about it but never tried to do it out of fear but will give it a try nw. Thnx
you should have also mentioned something about the increase in voltages as against stock volts. These days many proccys have different operating volts.