Car & Bike A bike for <60k?

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Hi, can someone name me some okayish bikes for under 60k on road. I live in Bangalore. Any of you guys picked one up? I am inclined to go for the hunk form hero honda, how is it?

Thanks. : )
hunk for 60K? impossible. cheapest 150 is the RTR for around 65K on road. others will be more expensive that this.

BTW, hunk has too much plastic. after 2-3 months everything will shrink/grow and start vibrating. go for a bike with less plastics.
i suggest a Pulsar for regular use . If u want somthing more ... get a 2st & mod the hell of out it as per your requirements . :)
Discover 135cc : only 4 gears, better accn but begs for 5th gear when ridden to max.
CBF Stunner 125 cc : 5 gears , fresh model...better engine, gearbox, ...everything ;)
i m also lookin in same range....

pulser too common so thats out for me....

i would say stunner or rtr refresh......hunk nuthin gr8 abt if budget it below 55k...else most important unicorn too is their...

i might say rtr refresh,stunner or unicorn out of personal choice
^RTR Refresh and RTR FI and separate models..:bleh:
RTR Refresh costs approx 69k and RTR FI costs 78k
Only a bike enthuthiast can tell the difference though(rear discs and a FI stickering)
gangulysaptak said:
^RTR Refresh and RTR FI and separate models..:bleh:

RTR Refresh costs approx 69k and RTR FI costs 78k

Only a bike enthuthiast can tell the difference though(rear discs and a FI stickering)

rtrs are cheap in karnata. assembled in mysore. on road RTR costs 66 -67 and fi costs ~73k
Chaos said:
^^RTR refresh is already out and its called the RTR Fi :P. Costs a lot more.

lol i cant beleive but i beat chaos first time in knowledge

Rtr has 3 models...rtr 160 was first...than came rtr refresh with some bling bling and stickers....
rtr fi is latest.....
rtr fi cost ard 77-78k in mumbai thats the reason even out of my range.....rtr refresh without rear disc he can get in 65k.....

Main prob for me is i dont know to drive so find it tough to invest so much one day i think abt exceed next day it change to discover..and when i think i can go for 52k stuff than why not wait and invest for rtr 160 fi..lolz

sorry but frm start only i luv tvs bikes especially apache bikes
gangulysaptak said:
try the Flame .. heard of many positive reviews..
125cc though
Show me those reviews..i have hardly seen flame on mumbai and my frnd who got yamaha r15 says whts flame??lolz
^ Last week thr was a TV show comparing XCD, Flame and stunner
Not sure about the show..i think it was on NDTV

Concluded that cheapest was xcd for high vfm but least performance
Stunner for best performance
Flame for a mix of performance, style and vfm.

There is also a review by Dilip of indiabike but the site is down..
neways good thing that google caches the pages]TVS Flame Road Test by Dilip Bam[/url]
go for
its 125cc 5gears 11bhp .............looks are STUNNING .
STUNNER wit disc brake ,eletic start cost 58K on road .(53k Ex. showroom)

for 150cc ?
price 63-64K
very smooth bike......u don't have look after mileage in 150cc segment .
it's styling does not comes to likes of most .........but a good bike ......considring engine , performance .
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