A cheap Gaming controller for all types of games

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Ok guys,
Need some help here ! I am a noob when it comes to gaming and accessories

And now i have this sudden interest in gaming ( which had stopped around the NFSMW times :P)

So i was playing NFS Shift 2 on my laptop and reached Drifting level, which i find impossible to play with my keyboard! And so decided that i need a controller which i can use for games and thereby rescuing my Laptop keyboard from the abuse!
Moreover i am gonna play all kind of games, So i need a controller which is good enough for all the types of games!

I Dont have a big budget! Something around 1.5k should do the trick!

P.S A bit confused whether the thread should go to gaming or here!

BTW I am open to buying used stuff as well, if you know anyone selling do let me know :)
personally i have the same gamepad but white color and its awesome supports every game. highly recommend you to get it
@W@rrier you can check out these controllers from LOGITECH if the Microsoft XBOX Wired controller is too heavy on your pocket, linking all of them here --

MICROSOFT XBOX Controller [Wired]

All three should serve you decently, here are a few points to keep in mind --
  • the LOGITECH gamepads' are all shaped like the standard PS2 controller.
  • the XBOX controller is modelled after its console cousin.
  • The cheapest of the lot F310 does not support force-feedback whilst the latter [F510 and MS XBOX] do support the same.

RMA-ing the LOGITECH accessories can be a little iffy at times because Rashi Peripherals sends all the G series components to Bombay, from where a replacement is issued [this takes upto a week OR more].

Hope this helps and happy gaming, Cheerio!!

P.S. -- Tagging @Ethan_Hunt and @Gannu here; they can guide you the best on these matters.
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Xbox 360 wired controller. Eyes closed.

I have used this controller for close to 3 years now and paid 1.6k for it back in '08. It's worth every single penny. It's ergonomic and has a dam good build quality. Also, almost all the recent titles have native compatibility with this controller, ensuring proper mapping and controls allocation. The pressure sensitive triggers and the concave design of the thumb sticks allows you a good gripping. Vibration is solid. It's a steal at 1.2k (the last I checked). Grab the black one if you can. It has a nice finish and looks pretty cool.
Amen to that. The X360 wired controller eyes closed. The rate might be around 1.5~1.6k INR. It used to be cheaper before.
hey if u r buying it to play driving games buy a racing wheel instead its much better........with a gamepad you cant:
1>Play RTS games properly (eg:Starcraft .AOE etc)
2>Cant play RPG properly(eg Dragon age etc)
3>You will suck at fps

Third person shooters are okay with gamepad

And FIFA,...........thats where the gamepad shines...You will become unbeatable with a gamepad..so if u r not into fifa dont buy gamepad,you will hardly use it like me..
Almost all PC games released since 2005-2006 (except RTS and maybe a few RPGs) support the Xbox 360 controller. Any other controller will gave you many compatibility problems. This coming from a horrible experience with the Logitech Rumblepad 2.

The 360 controller is worth every penny and something you'll be using for a long time.
I will also suggest you X360 wired controller eyes closed it will give the same feel playing on XBOX 360 :)
I am also going to get it in a month

Xbox 360 controller. Hands down. It's the only reason I haven't already gotten a PS3.

I friggin' hate the PS3 controller. It's quite tiny for my hands.
Thank you all for the response , I have no doubt on what the best option would be in this price range would be

But as i had mentioned, i am not a gamer as it is, its just that i dont want to damage my keyboard and to have a slight more better experience!

The Microsoft controller will dig a deep hole in my pocket money as this definitely will not be something my parents would buy me ;)
ALPHA17 any ideas whether the logitech ones are pressure sensitive or not? I intend to play some NFS too :)

BTW, if anyone is thinking of selling your old controller , let me know :)
i should create a WTB as well, i guess

---------- Post added at 07:17 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:13 PM ----------

hey if u r buying it to play driving games buy a racing wheel instead its much better........with a gamepad you cant:
1>Play RTS games properly (eg:Starcraft .AOE etc)
2>Cant play RPG properly(eg Dragon age etc)
3>You will suck at fps

Third person shooters are okay with gamepad

And FIFA,...........thats where the gamepad shines...You will become unbeatable with a gamepad..so if u r not into fifa dont buy gamepad,you will hardly use it like me..

I play all types of games, i get bored with them too fast , so i dont think it would be wise to buy a racing wheel! But my gaming is predominantly racing :)
Yeah, get a xbox 360 controller.. I bought one in 2007 and its still working except the left stick has some problems. So, I bought a black x360 controller last year from homeshop18 where it was only 1600....

However, since you dont play too many games, or if its too heavy on your pocket, get the PS2 controller replicas that are available almost everywhere (in the computer markets, i.e.).. They sell for 300, 400 rupees.
Gamepad Accessories: Gamingconsole Accessories List: Flipkart.com

Supports vibration (force feedback):
AMIGO 3 in 1 Game Pad (PS3, PS2, PC) | Gamepad | Flipkart.com
Atek ATK Vibration Gamepad | Gamepad | Flipkart.com
Atek ATK Vibration Gamepad | Gamepad | Flipkart.com
If you buy one of the ~500 bucks controllers, I think you will run into many frustrating compatibility issues. Nothing is as compatible as the Xbox 360 controller with modern games. Moreover you can always sell it off if you think you've used it enough. Go ahead with the x360 controller purchase. It'll be totally worth it.
If you buy one of the ~500 bucks controllers, I think you will run into many frustrating compatibility issues.

I have an el-cheapo chinese controller worth 400 bucks which I bought ages back. I think back in 2007 and the only game I had some difficulty configuring was 'Trine' and that was the only 2D platformer I used my 360 controller for.

I admit triggers are better suited for racing games than the chinese ones. This is also where the F310 and F510 loose some points - google for some reviews and you will find that - the triggers on the Logitech are not as good as the 360 controller.

The F310 and F510 are said to be recognized as 360 controllers by Windows in 'Xinput' mode and the layouts of the A,B,X and Y buttons are similar except the design is that of a PS3 controller which is really not a bad thing. In a way it gives you best qualities of both gamepads. The Direct Input enables you to customize the controller with the provided application and use it as you want.

I bought my 360 controller back in 2009 so the D-Pad on that is rubbish so if you want to play SF 4 or SF vs Tekken (I know fighting games are rare on PC) the D-Pad on the Logitech ones are really good.

If I have to recommend a gamepad on the basis that the OP is interested in getting a gamepad for racing games only then I will have to recommend the 360 controller.
^^ I second that..... x360 controller is the best for racing games due to analogue triggers... However, on the chinese controllers, if you are comfortable, you can easily map the acceleration and break on the right analog stick.... Its cumbersome though. but can be done
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