I wonder how hard it would be to make. Would require a radio that broadcast at some low khz frequency. This would need to access a time server on the internet. It will be a stationary application as clocks don't go walk about.
A Pi that connected through wifi and had a radio transmitter.
Then some sort of mod on the clocks that understood that frequency and adjusted them.
The best thing about this old school radio sync is how low the frequency is.
60-70khz will penetrate anything and is also battery friendly unlike GPS.
Nothing advanced about this tech. It's been in place for decades and is very efficient.
A Pi that connected through wifi and had a radio transmitter.
Then some sort of mod on the clocks that understood that frequency and adjusted them.
The best thing about this old school radio sync is how low the frequency is.
60-70khz will penetrate anything and is also battery friendly unlike GPS.
Nothing advanced about this tech. It's been in place for decades and is very efficient.
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