A Huge Loss For TE : RIP Eazy :(

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Insanely Awesome!!
I'm really sorry to announce the sudden passing away of Eazy Sir, one of the most respected and helpful member here at TE.

Personally he was one of the first person I interacted with since joining TE, and ever since then he had been a great friend. His passion for technology was second to none, and I'm gonna miss him forever :(

I really cant think of anything else to say right now, you will be missed a lot Eazy sir, although you will continue to live on, here at TE and in our hearts, may your soul rest in peace :(
Very very sad news :( One of the most enthusiastic and helpful persons I've met. Genuinely helpful, and very eager to share the vast amounts of knowledge he'd gained over the years.

R.I.P eazy sir. May his family have the strength to pass through this difficult time.
OMG ! Easy was one the most helpful people I have ever seen on TE. I cant believe he is no more. R.I.P Easy sir. :(
What? When did this happen?

Was wondering how come he is away from here for such long time.

Really sad news indeed. Condolences to his family.

Rest in peace :(
Oh man, he was one of the most knowledgeable guys out there, loved his jokes... He will be sorely missed here on TE. :(

May his soul rest in peace
OMG!! when ?? HOW!

We all are going miss him :( RIP Easy :(
My deepest condolences to your loved ones.
Everyone is going to miss you very much
I remember Eazy sir as a really good man whose posts I read eagerly. He was a very humble and endearing man.

Its so depressing to learn about his demise.

RIP Eazy sir :( TE will miss you...
A sad loss indeed. :(

If I am right, he is one of the oldest members here both by his time on TE as well as by his age.
aw thats really sad news. :(

RIP Easy sir.

condolences to his family and near & dear ones.

Words fail to express how good he was as a TEite.
oh damn! he was such a helpful person and so knowledgable , always wanted to meet him sometime ...such a sad loss :(
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