PC Peripherals A Low budget Upgrade

RoBoGhOsT said:
if people are comparing IGP , it adds 1.6k to the price also . means he can get G31 + 8400gs / 4350 which will be much faster than the IGP .

How come 1.6k???:S
E5300+Giga G31 - 5.8k
Athlon 240+Biostar 785GE - 6.4k
Its only a .6k difference right???
biostar 785G 128mb is 4k and normal is 3.6k , but that has only 2 ram slots . still the difference for IGP upgrade from G31 to 785 doesnt make sense .
DevinWolf said:
Lol dude. athlon II x2 overclock like crazy. With an aftermarket cooler it too can reach 4GHz.

show me one guy with athlon II who got 4ghz stable here , i asked many 550 owners also , even they cant get 4ghz stable , and u talking about 4ghz on A II which doesnt even have unlocked multiplier . while E5300 can do 4ghz even on G31 and many have done that , even i had screenshot which i will post if i find .

still waiting to see any 550 owner post 4ghz stable sceenshot ;) some guys have top end coolers and mobos here still no stable screenshots from them .
DevinWolf said:
Lol dude. athlon II x2 overclock like crazy. With an aftermarket cooler it too can reach 4GHz.

Hi sir,
Can i see some pics.? Even if so(and i doubt it), im willing to lay a wager that you cannot do it on a board that costs as much as the G31M S2L/ES2L.

EDIT: +1 to above post.
Even if you can't OC that well on you Athlon II remember AM3 is gonna be here for quite sometime so future upgradeablilty won't be a problem.
H2O said:
Even if you can't OC that well on you Athlon II remember AM3 is gonna be here for quite sometime so future upgradeablilty won't be a problem.

again same thing ,how can u be so sure that if amd comes later with a better chip than current best 955 , it will be supported on that 785G which costs 3.6k?

i always see same thing being posted , when people have 3k budget an u talk about upgradibility then its BS ! :mad:

assume that he will later want to upgrade , today intel's top end 775 chip beats EVERY amd chip , and intel has not stopped making 775 processors :no: so even if he wants to upgrade later , there are so many options and G31 .

amd has TDP sh1t also , cheap mobos wont be able to handle high tdp processors :| , no such thing with intel , G31 can handle even QX9650 :rofl: .

even if processor is supported , who will put a top end chip with cheap mobo ?
RoBoGhOsT said:
again same thing ,how can u be so sure that if amd comes later with a better chip than current best 955 , it will be supported on that 785G which costs 3.6k?

i always see same thing being posted , when people have 3k budget an u talk about upgradibility then its BS ! :mad:

assume that he will later want to upgrade , today intel's top end 775 chip beats EVERY amd chip , and intel has not stopped making 775 processors :no: so even if he wants to upgrade later , there are so many options and G31 .

amd has TDP sh1t also , cheap mobos wont be able to handle high tdp processors :| , no such thing with intel , G31 can handle even QX9650 :rofl: .

even if processor is supported , who will put a top end chip with cheap mobo ?

I have till date, never understood the upgrade-path argument in favour of AM2/3 Vs. LGA 775, when the buyer is buying something as low in the food chain as an E5xxx or something similar. Any idea how many tiers there are between the E5xxx and something like the Q9550?

Its pointless to explain, i guess if you have to ask... there's not much to...
PS: Anyone checked the TDP on the new 965BE? :lol:
with the six core processors coming by next year i doubt the AM3 socket would last that long i have seen in many websites suggesting there would be a new socket coming for future six core AMD processors. willl give you the website later since had seen the post lot earlier and i do not remember the source.

By the way @gaurish, my name is gauresh. pretty rare this name huh.
I also need to buy a PSU, planning on Generic one till one. but I would be adding Graphic card in future, so thinking to buy a good psu which gives clean power. the whole of upgrade it to do it in phased manner. Platform(CPU+Mobo+RAM) --> GPU --> LCD. so that it does not pinch on pocket. so I would be replacing old components one by one

Off topic

ggt said:
By the way @gaurish, my name is gauresh. pretty rare this name huh.

Yeah....yet to come across anyone face-2-face anyone by my name "Gaurish". so Its somewhat unique:hap2:
Don't have a budget but looking for low cost psu which can take a mid range GPU card which I plan to add after 2-3months from now.

lastly, I think would be going for

Intel Based

Intel E5200 --> 3,000/-

Gigabyte G31 mobo --> 2,400/-

2GB DDR2 transcend --> 1,360/-

Total: Rs6,760/-

going to buy this on monday.
Gaurish said:
Don't have a budget but looking for low cost psu which can take a mid range GPU card which I plan to add after 2-3months from now.

lastly, I think would be going for
Intel Based

Intel E5200 --> 3,000/-
Gigabyte G31 mobo --> 2,400/-
2GB DDR2 transcend --> 1,360/-
Total: Rs6,760/-

going to buy this on monday.

Fair enough. Bump this thread up when you are actually about to/ready to put down money on a new PSU+GPU.
Good luck with the purchases. :)
I went to market yesterday. got quote for

CPU: E5200 --> 3000/-

Mobo: Intel G31based --> 3000/-(Gigabyte not available?)

RAM: 2GB transcend 800mhz --> 1300/-

when I asked for AMD proccy, the shopkeeper gave me that weird look and said "Sir, AMD mat lo, chalta nahi hai " :rofl: :rofl:


for english only people it means: Don't buy AMD, It does not sell well in market

And, Guys please suggest a SMPS. as my current one is 20pin and is not compatible. so I need to buy a new one:|
You tend to slide toward the Intel side,I don't mind that. Here's the problem the G31 definitively doesn't compete with the 785 and the E5200 isn't much different from the Athlon II. Don't be blinded by OC every processor OC's different and you have a tight budget so you won't buy an aftermarket cooler. And just in case you plan to upgrade in like 6 months or more LGA 775 will get you no where,but you will still be able to see socket AM3 there and competing.

And you better have a look at this link. No BS just facts --> http://www.techenclave.com/cpu-mobo-corner/7-reasons-windows-7-athlon-ii-144084.html

A 5300 just doesn't compete :crutch:
Athlon II X2 240 @ 3.6k
Biostar A785GE @ 3.6k
2GB Transcend DDR2 800MHz @ 1.2k
Gigabyte 460W @ 2.5k

Now I suggest Gigabyte 460W as it would be wiser to invest in PSU once than buy a 500W el-cheapo with many risks and then again buy another PSU(what a waste then!)
Gaurish said:
I went to market yesterday. got quote for
CPU: E5200 --> 3000/-
Mobo: Intel G31based --> 3000/-(Gigabyte not available?)
RAM: 2GB transcend 800mhz --> 1300/-

when I asked for AMD proccy, the shopkeeper gave me that weird look and said "Sir, AMD mat lo, chalta nahi hai " :rofl: :rofl:
for english only people it means: Don't buy AMD, It does not sell well in market
And, Guys please suggest a SMPS. as my current one is 20pin and is not compatible. so I need to buy a new one:|

get a Zebronics 350w pro series if u want cheap , 1.5k . one of my friend is running a GTS 250 on this fully stable :rofl: