A new Build for 24x7 downloads

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Im Special, gREen.
Going to built a new ultra low power download system which should be small and run torrents 24x7...

Things i want:

1.should add, start/stop/pause and delete the torrents through an ios or android app. (must as it should not have any monitor, to lower the current usage)

2.Already have a apc ups 600V, but it keeps on beeping which iritates a lot. so recommend a new UPS which should not beep and have a minimun of 2 hours backup.

3.Should be small in size so i kept it somewhere and access everything from my phone.( this should be like ghost. i use only when i swap my HDD)

4.Should act as wifi hotspot

Things i Had:

1.lot of internal HDD + 2 x 2tb Segate goflex desk.

2.Nanostation loco(it was lying useless for very long time. can i make use of it)

3.D-link dsl 2460t wifi+modem( this modem not working properly, i think so. so can also ready to buy a new wifi/modem

4.Extra cabinet

5.AMD 4400+ proccy and mobo( but i lost the lock pin of the mobo, so lying useless for long time)

6.Ofcourse iphone and android for remote access.

7.APC ups 600v

8.cooling fans

Here in my location we are having 5+ hours of powercut so cant download on my normal pc as when the power goes off, pc shutsdown.. when i came back on evening, my pc's off. so this new built should a low power to substain atleast 2 hours and i can use the remote app to control the torrents...

Please threw suggestion guys and im buying from bangalore, so recommend the good shop with price..

ps. and also please recommend best 5.1 home theatre speakers in your view...

if i posted in wrong thread, mods please move to the right section.

sort of thread jacking,

you could change POWER MANAGEMENT settings in BIOS ,like AC back function to [FULL-ON] ,Now whenever power resumes your PC boots up..

and for the remotely accessing torrents, you could setup your good old utorrent for that (In preferences ->Remote) and can control your torrent via browser by accessing https://remote.utorrent.com/
What's thread jacking?

Anyway, what I wanted is that the download box should small as possible and consume very low power as I should only serve as downloads. I don't know is it good to go with pogoplug or own custom built

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Will also try the bios setting once the power comes back.

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Actually im just giving you options how to remotely access your torrents and Keep your PC wake up all the time, Instead of suggesting a low power consumption downloader, Thats why i called it thread high jacking...

Anyway you might want to look at Rasberry Pi, Costs you 35$ can run Quake on AA's , Have a look at rasberrypi.org
You will need a Router/NAS capable of running DD WRT/Open WRT/Linux OS which has optware support, ideally. Install transmission.

Get a Seagate Go Flex Net, run Archlinux on it, get a port multiplier. You will need a PSU with the green and black wires shorted for you internal HDD's. A USB (powered, ideally) hub for your external HDD's.

For the router, any basic one will do. But ideally, get one like the ASUS RT N13, plug in a sound card to the USB port, and with DD WRT + some extra mod, you could make it play muisc via speakers, if needed.

And the rasberry pi will not do what you want, it can be used to stream stuff. It has USB support but no SATA ports.
@vidy, u can't understand my true needs. For the last 2 months we are facing current shortage, so I can't have my regular download schedule. My ups starts beeping at lest 2 times in night when use the pc for night downloads.

Hence opted for low power which reduce power usage and runs 24x7.

Heard that I took some time to launch, correct me if I'm wrong. And does it suits all my needs.


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@teraHd, thanks, reading

@vivek, cant understand, will you explain,

Get a Seagate Go Flex Net, run Archlinux on it, get a port multiplier. You will need a PSU with the green and black wires shorted for you internal HDD's. A USB (powered, ideally) hub for your external HDD's.

and are you sayin me to use with pc(sound card)

plug in a sound card to the USB port, and with DD WRT + some extra mod, you could make it play muisc via speakers, if needed.

sorry for too many question, im a n00b in networking and all those modding stuffs..

and is there anyway i can make use of these stuffs..

Things i Had:

1.lot of internal HDD + 2 x 2tb Segate goflex desk.

2.Nanostation loco(it was lying useless for very long time. can i make use of it)

3.D-link dsl 2460t wifi+modem( this modem not working properly, i think so. so can also ready to buy a new wifi/modem

4.Extra cabinet

5.AMD 4400+ proccy and mobo( but i lost the lock pin of the mobo, so lying useless for long time)

6.Ofcourse iphone and android for remote access.

7.APC ups 600v

8.cooling fans


Check this post

Asus RT-N13U B1 - Wi Fi Routers DDWRT


I have been using this for 2 months and its awesome.no more power cut download problems. costs less than 3K

does ddwrt works without pc(standalone) and can transmission be controled by ios app...

as flashing ddwrt, does adsl modem part works(does it works with wi5 broadband)
You can make use of the following:

Nanostation loco as a router. you will need to get a Seagate Go Flex Net for the HDDs

All internal HDDs and the external ones. Though you will need to get the cables for SATA HDDs and a usb hub for the external ones. Also, for the internal HDDs a power supply will be needed. so get a basic SMPS and start it without a computer to use it.

if you have more than 2 HDDs connected via SATA, then you will need a port multiplier too. this will connect to 1x SATA port on the go flex.

finally, all of this will be in the cabinet with the cooling fans. the UPS, outside.

for the software, use archlinux on the go flex. install transmission for torrents. transmission has iphone app.

TO avoid all this, get a cheap used sempron board with ddr2/3 support.
@vivek, thanks. What ups should I opt for and the above configuration can withstand a minimum of 2 hours?

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