I was almost ready to buy xbox 360 today but after reading last of us discussion thread and
review last of us has got,i have put purchase on hold for some time..
Can any one give me honest (not bias) which console should i get?..
I am noob at gaming,never played a single game in my life not even mario when i was small...
money is not an issue and i will be playing game with all original game purchase...
And My brother want kinect,so if I buy PS3 with move and eye combo is it good alternative to Kinect?...
It totally depends on your likes, which exclusives you like more, do you like the 360 exclusives like Halo,Gears of war,forza or the ps3 exclusives like god of war, uncharted, resistance, last of us etc.
If you take my opinion, SONY has a better line up of console exclusive lined up currently and in the coming months, multi platform games can be played on either platform.
In plain words move is crap, kinect is slightly better, and since you are not a hardcore gamer a kinect would serve you well.
This is the decision you have to make now, 360 with a kinect for casual gaming or taking the plunge to become a hardcore gamer and go with a PS3
Hope this helps.
I'm also not much into gaming. But thought of getting a console. Probably 2nd Hand PS3. Would it be a good idea?
I must mention that I don't like gaming much. Maximum times I end up playing first few chapters of the game to enjoy the graphics and end up uninstalling the game.
I mainly loved and completed the whole CoD Series, Battlefield Series, NFS Series, POP Series, Lara Tomb Series, Splinter Cell Series etc. I love these type of gaming much instead of fighting some super power aliens. So as you can see I mainly love RPG Games (I hope we call it RPG, correct me if I'm wrong), like fighting as an Army.
I also like Car Racing (No Bike Racing please), like NFS, Grid etc. GTA is everyone's favourite, that's different.
So would it be a good idea to purchase PS3 according to my requirement?
Also, I don't understand the thing between 4GB, 160GB, 320GB thing. I can understand we can download and play games if we have larger HDD's. But isn't max. times we supposed to buy CD and play? If going that way is 4GB one enough? Generally for what purpose is the HDD's used for?
Second hand PS3 is a good idea but soo is a 360.
I dint exactly get your second paragraph you mean you like playing games in which you are fighting as a army for example COD and Battlefield?, if yes then those games are called FPS(First Person Shooters) RPG(Role Playing Games) are something totally different.
In my opinion for FPS games like COD and Battlefield, a 360 controller is better suited, and if you really like FPS then xbox has halo which you would absolutely love, there is gears of war too if you love shooting(its 3rd person though)
racing games like NFS and Grid are multiplatform and can be played on either console, so here this is a tie.
Todays console can do much more then play games, they can also play music and HD movies which are stored on its internal hdd or a usb stick, this is where a larger hdd comes into play.
Yes mostly you would be buying a disk to play a game off in which case you wont need a large HDD, but if you like storing movies, music or downloading games on it, then a larger hdd would be great.
In the end if you absolutely love shooters get a xbox, if you want a more future proof device with a great lineup of current exclusive and forthcoming ones, go for a ps3.
Hope this helps.