A question to fans of the NHL series..

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Ok this i think will be to a very very small percentage of followers of the NHL series, here in India.. :|

I've played the PC version of NHL 2000 and beyond and upto 06 after which my PC couldnt handle them anymore.. :rofl: Now, I've got an x360 and I got the NHL 10 game which according to IGN is the best hockey-simulation to date.. anyway, coming to the point, after NHL 07, EA reformed the controls and made shooting using the right stick, along with deeking.. so, my question is how do i perform the other deek tricks like a 360 or between the legs? coz, moving the right stick upwards delivers a shot on goal and down is used to get a back lift on the stick (i mean hockey stick now).. Anyone here has any idea about this?
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