A Weekend Deal to DIE for !!

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Just get it! It's around half the price at what its available here in stores! Considered by so many as the best VFM game of recent times, it just got even more VFM-er :S

I want COD4 to be this cheap as well :P
! 0 t A said:
Yeah me too in line for COD 4 and GARY's MOD to get cheaper :(

Indian Mentality :P

I'm not playing too much of any game these days so I don't want to spend a 1000 bucks on something I'll play MAAYBE once a week for or once every two weeks or so. :ashamed:
! 0 t A said:
Yeah me too in line for COD 4 and GARY's MOD to get cheaper :(

Indian Mentality :P

Hehe me too .. got many friends who would love to play cod4 but aint ready to shell out the bucks :P .. hehe .. but considering the MP is continuously gaining popularity at EU, USA and Australia and SE Asia, dont think the prices will come down any soon :P .. those lalchi dudes trying to cash in as much as they can ..
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