Storage Solutions About Kingston RMA & product verification

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Dear Kingston Customers,

Thanks for all of your concerns and suggestions in this forum. We have gone through the posts in this forum and as much it is overwhelming it is concerning at the same time to see your feedback regarding RMA and counterfeit products.

We at Kingston do not believe in just marketing our products through forums, this forum is meant to bridge the Gaps between our Customers and the Organization, We would like to update you that your voices are well heard and have reached the right people, I would also like to convey that we are dealing with multiple Service locations here and implementation of any change in process is not easy and has to be planned and implemented in phases. Even though the product has been verified online the physical inspection of the same is required to check for any damages and ensure the same is under warranty.
Replacement time will be reduced
Taking into consideration the TAT for microSD cards and the inconvenience caused we are getting the required setup to India which will help us reduce the replacement time for microSD cards, at this moment we may not be able to provide you with an exact date by when we will be able to get this process implemented but we assure you that in the next couple of months you shall definitely see a positive difference.
Digicare is our New Service Partner
Digicare (Smartlink Network Systems) is our new service partner, we changed from Accel Frontline to Aforeserve and now to Digicare following the concerns of our Customers, and Currently we are offering Across the Table replacements at 18+ owned locations for Pendrives and Modules(running SKU’s only). It’s been six months since we have Digicare on board and as we said things take time to implement on a Pan India basis and can be done only in Phases. You will see major improvements in our RMA services in the coming months.

Kindly keep updating the posts and be rest assured that they will reach the right people and appropriate action will be taken to address your concerns.
Best regards,
Kingston Technology
Digicare delete online RMA status of my Card, so I just don't know what's going there with my card or my case. Also NOT SURE whether the Card is Replaced or Repaired. Why you delete Online Status?

Also got a call form Digicare asking for Receipt before they Courier the Said card to me asking me what if some one latter present same receipt & ask for ANOTHER replacement? You are right here but what if you refuse to ship me the replaced product or shipped damaged one or fake one (as you delete the online RMA status prior to I collect/received the product) after receiving receipt via courier.

Why are you in so hurry to delete all RMA STATUS before I received the Replacement

Your representative Gaurev Khanna offer me & instruct via mail CC to Digicare to Courier product at my place & as per Mr.Sachin at Digicare he (Gaurev Khanna) instruct him NOT TO ship product to customer without Receipt? So why all that propaganda to show you are so Customer Friendly?

My god you Kingston people are very very difficult to understand you just DON'T BELIEVE any customer, just like you had past experience that EACH & EVERY CUSTOMER looted/screwed you.

Hope what you post here will act accordingly that will help all Kingston customers in future. Best Of Luck.
Dear Emperor,

We are checking with Digicare about your RMA online status. Any information will update you soon, thanks!

Kingston Technology
It good to see that you are fully acknowledging the problems & trying to get things right. all companies have problems but few are brave enough to admit it. I really like this honest attitude of Kingston of being upfront to its customers.

I do appreciate this & surely, I will do keep recommending Kingston products among my friends:D

PS: I would appreciate Kingston implements some sort of online warranty validation, where customers can verify the purchased product is under warranty(hence not a counterfeit product). Similar to what seagate does.

In most cases, customers are not even aware that its a counterfeit product the shop sold them. Its only when they are denied RMA, which leads to frustration & implicit hatred towards the brand(Its not customer's fault that product is fake. if they paid the full price, they should get warranty). But I know for Kingston this is not possible. so having a quick & hassle free method to verify authenticity of product seems like a good middle ground. In Long term,I think it will increase brand recall and same customers will do repeat purchases.
Gaurish said:
I do appreciate this & surely, I will do keep recommending Kingston products among my friends:D

Yes, after all every one requires to share good EXPERIENCE of RMA/Service with every brand & need to support same Brand, just curious to know if you ever contact/visit kingston for ANY RMA?

--- Updated Post - Automerged ---

ggt said:
Good news.

Atleast now having a company rep will serve a better purpose.

Yes, you come to know about latest product (may be pre-launch) as soon as it hit the market.
^You are taking it in the wrong sense. Maybe i am not the right person to judge you since i am not sailing in your boat. But a company rep being honest about its shortfall and listening to feedback from end users is a good start.
Emperor said:
Yes, after all every one requires to share good EXPERIENCE of RMA/Service with every brand & need to support same Brand, just curious to know if you ever contact/visit kingston for ANY RMA?
IMO, best EXPERIENCE is when you don't need RMA at all & product works without breaking down which has been case with me. I own lot of kingston products but not single one of them needed RMA.Please Feel free to disagree;)
Gaurish said:
IMO, best EXPERIENCE is when you don't need RMA at all & product works without breaking down which has been case with me. I own lot of kingston products but not single one of them needed RMA.Please Feel free to disagree;)

...why should I disagree with you?... you didn't need RMA so NO experience with them. :)

if in future you requires after sales service than please forget "Customer is King" as the KING is at your opposite :(
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