About smoking in public places

Funky said:
TO toughen the tobaco law, new restrictions were passed by union ministry just a while ago prohibiting smoking in any public place which INCLUDES all the places I mentioned before.
These new restrictions were passed on 19th July 2007.

is there any way to verify this 'law has been passed' because all i'm finding and if i recall correctly from the papers something to the effect

The Indian government is considering taking stringent measures against smoking in public places or any place where an employee is present, including at home

Seems to be something in process then as opposed to having been already passed ?
The law that 'prevents' smokers from smoking in a public place must state somewhere in the lines 'Smoking in a public place includes those of privately owned premises'

But... 'Privately owned premises' means that the owner has full right of the property, staff, and basically the guidelines in which customers must follow and therefore the government cannot control the guidelines of private business owner(s) without preventing the private business owner(s) from applying their own guidelines and requests for the benefit of the company of which would be defined as an illegal action depicted by those of the Government against the rightful propertier/owner.
That's my feeling as well, the govt, is in effect overruling what the owner of the property can do, they use the 'employee' route. If you employ ppl in a place of business then this law is to protect them firstly and as a consequence the others.

I don't think many would argue that employees in frequent smoker spots be they clubs or bars, restaurants to a lesser degree are probably more at risk than the actual smokers as a result of the workplace being constantly 'smoky'. This is where the passive smoking is bad comes from.

Of course then the more militant non-smokers seized on this and get jumpy even if they are exposed to maybe 1 cigarette in what would otherwise be a fairly ventilated place, ie a beach or park or even outdoors on govt. property etc, the *actual* risk in such an area would be minmal to non-existant. These ppl would normally not be exposed to much smoke in their usual lives as they prolly got out of thier way to avoid it. If you take it to the logical extreme, yeah what vij said about cars putting out more in a n hour would exceed what smoke they would get from a mer cigarette easily. But then they say this encourages more ppl to smoke in said areas, so more smoke and it gets back to the law :D

Funky said:
Its different thing to say that someone wont oblige. But in reality everyone is not so secure or overconfident to discard the legit fare request. General public do think what might happen if I dont put out the cigar. Everyone is little afraid ;)
There are ofcourse few exceptions. And atleast I can deal with them if time comes :p

I'd say your chances of success are inversely proportional to how much the other party has had to drink :D

Sure you could slap'em with the law, but pick on the wrong type and you have a nasty end to what might have been a great time, so yeah its even goings then with the 'little afraid' bit.

going by my experiences with a totally different kind of pollution, as in noise. You want to get some sleep but the neighbours or bar nearby just closed up and everyone's tight and using your wall/garden as a public toilet. Not much reason works with these types