Access multiple mail accounts simultaneously

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I want to know is there a way or any tool which allow to open multiple mail accounts simultaneously (yahoo,gmail and all)

I'm aware about gmail multiple account sign in but i looking for some kind of tool which can open my all yahoo and gmail account.
You're looking for a Mail Client.
Get something like Windows Live Mail/Eudora/Thunderbird or use the mail client that comes integrated in Opera.
you can open gmail or other POP3 based email account in windows live mail or other but not yahoo because it is not pop3 supported.
Are you trying to so some spamming?

No yaar..not trying to spam.. actually I have numerous accounts in gmail and yahoo which I had created to order stuffs from ebay and other websites (as they offer cheap prices for new accounts only), so it's very tedious to open all accounts one by one and check any offers or track the orders. So i was looking for simple solution integrate all the mail accounts at one place, so i can track them all. :)

Thanks #ch@ts and #teper..I will try out what you guys suggested :)
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