Accessing/controlling my desktop from elsewhere!

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I know there's something called as Windows Netmeeting in XP that enables remote desktop features. But nothing beyond that. :P

Is there any way I could access my home PC features (such as enabling torrents and stuff) from another desktop assuming the PC's turned on and logged into the user's profile?

Some help would be really appreciated! :)

Hope this's the right section where I've put up the thread. Mods may move it to the appropritae section if its not.

PS: Home PC runs Win 7.
sohail99 said:
Try LogMeIn!! -

The most uber desktop control software!!:ohyeah: I can even access all my files from anywhere!

Had too many issues with VNC! couldn't connect via ne other device outside the network!:S

LogMeIn is like a dream come true!! and ultra secure too!:hap2:

unfortunately it aint free! u get a fully functional trial though!

There's a fully fnctional free version. And a feature rich pro version.

rocky_pratik said:
I personally use Logmein and it works fine :D

+1. Me too. It's damn neat.
^ go to meeting is not free. and its for conferencing rather than remote access.

Another site like go to meeting which is free is free is best.

Also Hamachi + UltraVNC will help a lot.

Try Crossloop, teamviewer also.

Gototmeeting is good, since its from famous Citrix. But costly if not under trial use.
Logmein huh? Ok so how do i go about configuring it?

TBH I need just one functionality, controlling utorrent. :P

Thanx for the replies btw. :)
if you have a static IP, then you can think about uTorrent's WebUI too. Its pretty easy to use and setup. Have you tried that yet?

As for logmein, simply go over to and install the client on your computer. Then whenever you want to connect to your computer, login @ and its simply click and connect from there. Nothing to be explained.
+1 for teamviewer. Just run the server in your taskbar. All you need is a client program on the second PC and can connect to your PC using some username/password it will assign.
I use DynDNS/No-IP to get a fixed hostname for my dynamic IP and run RemoteDesktop for some tasks as well as utorrent/ktorrent's WebUI to avoid remote desktop slowness :)
Tried trial version but could not get it working yet.

Error: Logon failure: unknown user name or bad password. (1326) :(

Tried disabling Firewall but to no avail. Their community has also come up with some solution but could not get it working yet.

@alsiladka: Did you try this with Win 7 yet?
If all you wanna do is run utorrent then the webui is the best possible solution..

I used to have utorrent+dyndns running as my solution and it was as smooth as it could get
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