Car & Bike Accessory Suggestion for New car

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I am about to get delivery of Red Ford Figo Tdci Titanium soon. I am thinking of getting few accessories for this.
I need suggestion/tips from fellow TE friends. I am not a TBHP member and gone through Figo thread but cant get all answers. Please help me to choose right accessories. Now i would not go for any ICE change and seat covers as OEM are good one.
Window glass sunfilm 3M - I have seen 3M authorized shop in vimannagar - are they good in installation and approx. price. Any specific model installation.
Under body/anti-corrosion coat - 3M. Cant decide about this.
Parking censors - What is the estimate cost and where do i install it here in pune.
Please share your thoughts/suggestions about any other accessories, shops here.
Go to Carax, Baner Road or Poona Motors, MG Road for the accessories. Have had a very good experience with both. Somehow I think Poona Motors is better.

Vcool is better than 3M though its more expensive for sunfilms.

There are a variety of parking sensors available. You will have to go to the dealer and ask. The best ones should be around 2-3k I think.

Anti Corrosion layer would definitely help.

Get a anti-theft system if not available already in the car you have.
mjumrani said:
Go to Carax, Baner Road or Poona Motors, MG Road for the accessories. Have had a very good experience with both. Somehow I think Poona Motors is better.

Vcool is better than 3M though its more expensive for sunfilms.

There are a variety of parking sensors available. You will have to go to the dealer and ask. The best ones should be around 2-3k I think.

Anti Corrosion layer would definitely help.

Get a anti-theft system if not available already in the car you have.

Thanks for the reply. I also installed JBL setup in my old Zen from poona motors and had good experience with them but looking for 3M for glass sunfilm. I am thinking to go for anti corrosion coat from 3M. What is the price difference between 3M and vcool films.
dont get the accesories from the og showroom .. go to a good shop and get it done ..

its double triple the rate in showrooms .. for same company product

engine coating (your choice) , anti corrosion coating (must) teflon coating (your choice).. do that from the showroom

get sunfilms

parking sensor = approx 2k (in n mum shop) .. paid 6k @ showroom :(

seat covers are must :)
I decided to install sunfilm, anti-corrosion coat and parking censor. I heard about 3M anti corrosion coat, how good are they and anybody have any experience with viman nagar 3M distributor. Please share.
For the Sun-films you can get 3M RE35 or V-Kool K37/T35 for sides and rear well within 5k. For the front windshield V-Kool will be expensive ~ INR 10k or thereabouts, there are cheaper options in 3M and Llumar. Be careful as there are lots of fakes floating around.

For the body treatment, you are better of without the "engine coating", spend the money elsewhere. Underbody anti-corrosion coat is subjective, as far as i know, most modern cars come with some kind of coating for the same from factory, I've never personally approved spending 3k on that, however, people in coastal areas swear by it. Teflon coating is a strict no.

For reverse parking sensors, in the entry level segment, are all the same (chinese oems mostly), chose the cheapest and you are good to go.
Hold on to the parking sensors - try and get the feel of the car without them. After a couple of months if you still face problems and are regularly resorting to parking in tight spots, you can opt for them. The undercoating gives you a thick later of a tar/rubber like material. It's added protection from water and even small stones. Even helps in noise dampening. As far as accessories go - drive the car a bit - in a month you'll start finding out what you miss in your car. That becomes your accessory list. Don't go spending just because someone recommends it.
1. Get any good shades from 3M/Llumar/V.Kool as per your chioce and budget. All of them are good.
2. Get quotes from a few dealers and pick up the best one. Poona Motors & Modern in Camp, Bafna, Rahul & Bhandari on JM, FC road.
3. Apart from sound insulation, no real use of Underbody coating, atleast in Pune.
4. Figo has a great overall visibility, parking sensors might not be needed.
5. I would suggest the security system be fitted at the dealer, to avoid warranty issues.
6. Dont get seat covers immediately. Let the factory ones wear a bit, they never get used otherwise.
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