Account giveaways to members with 200+ posts

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its a lame move.
There is no certainty that the person ya givin an account away, will not trade it to the next douche in egypt. If that happens, you are scr3wed. Period.
sweet giveaway

also needed to check my post count...


damn i am on 196 - can i get a HDbits or any torrent site account ?

i have 512 kbps 24/7 and a separate leased line 2mbps on sat and sunday

a pm with a torrent site with hd movies and or electronica audio would be super

thanks in advance....
Lame ? the fact that i'm givin them away proves i dont have need for em and dont care if the person i give it to trades it :p
I am on enough elite sites with different usernames to ignore these accounts :tongue:

Psych0 said:
its a lame move.
There is no certainty that the person ya givin an account away, will not trade it to the next douche in egypt. If that happens, you are scr3wed. Period.
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