vivek how can i do it on myown. There is a acer sticker on one of the screws?I think i wld have to tear it up to open it up 1st ! Or does it just comes off ?
Himanshunegi198 said:wasie i have called up for engg visit . I just have to call the service center, but still i will try this !
Will update soon !
acer support engg don't know anything about Thermal paste or IHS ,so tell me soon what the engg tells ...Himanshunegi198 said:wasie i have called up for engg visit . I just have to call the service center, but still i will try this !
Will update soon !
ohhhhhhhhhhhhh !! may b thatis y i was not able to take off the keyboard !! Thank god i didn`t try again. And probaly i wont try again atleast this week. have papers from monday-friday. But still thnx for the telling me bro. How did u come to knw ??? abt the screws? any particular web site u knew u visited before opening it ?vivek90 said:Hey himansu I thought u know how to remove keyboard ,under keyboard there may be 8-15 screws ... How to show u :console:
Ya thnxx yaar ! Am not opening it now. W8in for the engg visit. I knew i wld screw up so stopped . Thnx again for the concernRS4 said:Do you want to spoil your laptop as well as void the three year warranty of yours :S your experimentation may yield excellent results but what if it goes wrong:crazy:
i hardly take it of the wall socket. But yes it does limits its speed to 1. sumthing i guess. And on wall socket or not , it behaves xactly teh same. I mean it gets hot in both the ways. Thank u 2 for showing intrest !haider_up32 said:is the high cpu usage reported on battery or mains? does the cpu run at its full frequency when on battey
Holy shit! Can't believe jerks like him work as a service engineer for Acer! Dude, you could help others by filing a complaint at least! Colgate toothpaste as thermal paste! :OHimanshunegi198 said:Got a call from service center around 12 today. Engg came around 5. His name Vikram, he was from janakpuri branch. He was like sir laptop cooler buy kar liyejeyee, it will help. Then i started my PSP VIDEO 9 and started converting. Temp went abt 84 with in 30secs. He was like mobotherboard mein problem hein. I asked him to replace the thermal paste. After a little bit of hessitation, he finally agreed. As he was opening up the lappy , i got scared. He was doing it carefully but he was mixing up the screws. Once we reached at the cpu. He took it off and asked for COLGATTE. Yes the toothpaste. I asked him y? he was like its the best thermal paste. I brought my Collermaser thermal paste. He got amazed for a sec and then started asking questions abt it. Y do u have it , does it work etc etc. THen after the question and asnwer round the stupid guy put the thermal paste on the cpu without cleaning the old one.I told him not to but he said he knows wt he is doing. After a little bit of argument i brought thinner and he took the old paste off from cpu as well as the heatsink. Then he first applied the new paste on heatsink then on the cpu. I tyold him that it shld only be put on the cpu. But i didn`t forced him as he was already upset with my interventions. Then he used his dirty finger to spread the paste. At that moment i was like ****kkkkkkkkkkk. Anwyaz. Once he was done. he put everything back , he mixed all the screws. We opened lappy and started that PSP VIDEO 9 software and started converting agian. This time temps went up to 78 and it took abt good 4-5 mins. THE ENGG WAS SO PROUD OF HIMSELF. U HAD TO LOOK AT HIS FACE.