Adani group, an Evil corp?

I think this has to be a must watch. I think I totally agree with his statement “India rising story is getting tested.” But tests like this are very much needed.
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I think this has to be a must watch. I think I totally agree with his statement “India rising story is getting tested.” But tests like this are very much needed.
Very balanced analysis.Far better than any so called Indian "fintuber" or tallking heads.
Unfortunately in this current scenario no Sucheta Dalals are possible so we have to look outwards for clarity.

I saw the video earlier but the slides were a bit diffcult to read.
Thankfully he has those on his Twitter-

And before anyone asks he's a professor of finance in NYU Stern School Of Business so it's legit.
Here is a Hypothesis:
Let’s for a second assume that the report is all hogwash/ conspiracy.
The books, shareholding and transactions are indeed all clean with no wrongdoing involved.

If the hypothesis is true, the current share price of Adani Enterprises wouId make it an investment opportunity of a lifetime!
If I were fully convinced of the assumption above, I (or any other sane person) would be looking at remortgaging my house and leverage all possible collateral for buying as much as I possibly could.
The returns within weeks, or maybe a few months alone would yield enough for me to take an early retirement and chill out for the rest of my days on a yacht in the Bahamas or maybe Andaman.

If I was partially convinced, at the very least I would be plonking all my free cash.

So I just have one question for those who seem to be so convinced of the assumption above - Have you actually put your money where your mouth is?
Ok so how did it go from yday low of 1000+ to 1600 (60% bump) if people did not bet money ? 600*250 = 1.5L on margin of 1.5L IIRC, paisa double aur kya mangta ? Forget profits earned from shorting.
People at CNBS call him “Dean of Valuation”. His lecture series on valuation is valuable.
Yes his excellent books on valuation were a standard reading during my MBA. About time we saw some genuine and meaningful stuff from a guru.
There's a reason why it's usually the PSUs keep giving loans to fraudsters. Private banks haven't got direct line to delhi. He and govt, they scratch each others backs. Nothing surprising. It's always been like that.

This sounds like ingredients of Harshad Mehta scam 2.0. I wouldn't be surprised if some bollywood fellow writing a script for a new web series portraying him as a hero.
The difference between the level of discourse in this thread and a similar threat on Team-BHP is very stark.
Both sides have some valid points, there is blatant corruption and stock manipulation, there is also a geopolitical angle.
At the end of the day, "dharma" of an investor in the stock market is to make money. I won't short Adani because my pockets are not deep enough to compete with the Govt, I won't go long because his books and numbers are a work of fiction. The lesson to take away from this whole fiasco is that there is still a place for actively managed mutual funds, while the passive indices took a beating many actively managed funds walked away unscathed.
reminds me of this thread where many were cribbing

What I like about the whole Adani episode is that high & mighty family "corporates" close to the govt can also fail in their own game. If Adani's (Goliath) manipulated the stock to go up and take vast loans, Hindenberg (David) manipulated the stock to go down even stronger. What a great level playing field - and sudden plummeting of stock valuation just illustrates the point that common man as an investor does not really trust Adani eneterprises. They just got in with the flow when stock price was rising, and they existed equally fast when the ship sank.
About as good a takedown of Soros and his sort selling ilk as you can get

This is the guy who broke the Bank of England back in 1991. He made a billion out of it and the pound devalued 20%.

The UK pulled out of the Euro mechanism after a month in it. Maybe not a bad outcome seen from today but the damage was done at the time.
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Short selling is not an offense and it actually helps with price discovery. However, due to regulations against it, it's almost impossible to short sell in India. If short selling were allowed in India, Adani would not have been able to manipulate the share prices. In the end, it all comes down to fundamentals. Even if a company were to release a negative report on Tata, the share prices would not fall since the fundamentals are strong.

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Short selling is not an offense and it actually helps with price discovery. However, due to regulations against it, it's almost impossible to short sell in India. If short selling were allowed in India,
Logic works well in closed systems with 100% market forces. Not when there are political forces involved.
Tesla was relentlessly hounded by short sellers, despite innovating.
When hedge funds and front runners (like Citadel) lost money due to shorting by /r/WSB, investor protection laws invoked and trades were blocked.
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It never ceases to amaze how this man can calmly, logically and so consistently DISMANTLE the arguments of these western weasels. The world is definitely changing.

You had the Adani hit, and then comes Soros of similar background with an extra sting in the tail. He's a self-appointed prophet of democracy.

They expect us to continue dancing to their tune and are surprised when we don't

^ This is how NSE responded. lol.

Business ethics is very much needed. But, don't like foreigners with vested interests interfering in Indian national politics, not good.
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I'm not a fan of the 56 incher but looking at the way the co-ordinated attacks/news is coming i think there are bigger things at play than just athani here, looks like target was the narcissist and he became the collateral damage.
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But why government is not taking action on Adani? That will shut all the mouth and close the case.
What makes you think some people sitting in NYC with dubious intent know more than GOI, ED & SEBI? You can make any arguments to do so but no action to date means these arguments have no merit. Which should be obvious to those who trust the system with their hard earned money. Adani's shares are slowly rising. Some got in when it was less.

Instead, we took action on the BBC. Not a sound from outside. They were sent several notices that they ignored and then the IT guys came knocking. GOI did not care what the reaction would be because they had that mega $80bn Air India project coming up. Reality shot right there to everyone, who wants to kill the goose that lays golden eggs?

More amusing is how fast Twitter shut offices in Bombay & Delhi soon after. Twitter knows they are on the radar. I would not rule out a temporary ban on Twitter to prevent interference later if the ECI deems it fit. You would think things are better these days with the new Twitter head they have but nothing is certain.

No date has been set for the general elections, so it's still over a year away. In other words still early days and look at the number of shots that have been taken already.

This is the way the game is played, you deal with it if you want to get into the big boys club.
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