Adani group, an Evil corp?

10 trillion economy with a dictator at the centre. 30% + direct taxes, 5-100% indirect taxes. Tax on debt funds, decreasing options for saving taxes or savings in general. Seems like a wet dream for some people.

Read about CBFC's mandates cuts for Bheed. All PM references to be cut. Not far away from China from ruling monopoly. No dissent allowed by aam-junta.
Only bad FM's tax everything under the sun. Just like the bad ministers working under loser Kings who taxed their people to destruction.
Only bad FM's tax everything under the sun. Just like the bad ministers working under loser Kings who taxed their people to destruction.
If you think of government as a big enterprise which is investing your tax money. It has been common that they do a very bad job of capital allocation as governments favor populism rather than doing what is right. This also has a tendency to drive ruling governments towards becoming tyrannical though very slowly.
Thats why checks and balances is needed.

When I first took a walk to nearby town center in Sydney I was culture shocked to see everything clean and perfect. I was thinking about how much tax money I paid for that MLA’s daughter’s wedding celebrations.
When I first took a walk to nearby town center in Sydney I was culture shocked to see everything clean and perfect. I was thinking about how much tax money I paid for that MLA’s daughter’s wedding celebrations.

Man, when I saw a few videos of common citizens openly questioning and even abusing the PM of Australia, I realised what true democracy meant. No commandos, no road blocks. Guy was travelling as a commoner and a few people questioned him like no tomorrow. And he took it to the best of his ability.
Imagine our politicians and PM who hasn't even done a single interview answering difficult questions. Embarassing.
Do you mean we will finally be able to pass the farm reforms then? HAHA

If you think that was aam junta revolting against the reforms, mate you're innocent as a child.
10 trillion economy with a dictator at the centre. 30% + direct taxes, 5-100% indirect taxes. Tax on debt funds, decreasing options for saving taxes or savings in general. Seems like a wet dream for some people.
GDP number is meaningless when our country has such a massive population. Per capita numbers (along with other metrics such as HDI) tell the real story.

Man, when I saw a few videos of common citizens openly questioning and even abusing the PM of Australia, I realised what true democracy meant.
Same with UK and US media. People can use all sort of crass language to address politicians without getting arrested. John Oliver does it regularly.
I wish someone would juice my balls the way govt is juicing the janta.
And the worst part is people are actually enjoying that they are being milked left, right and centre without realising the long term effects.

For instance, we recently had a G20 summit and the current govt in my city spent CRAZY money decorating Like literally spent money as if Mota bhai's daughter is getting married. People were just awestruck that so much money is being spent and that the current govt is very good based on show-offs. Kinda reminded how Hitler awestruck people through illusion and false dreams.

They themselves want to hide the fact that there is no proper garbage collection mechanism and that the garbage truck comes once in 4 days. They will bi**h about it everyday yet happy when their money gives them a tiger manique instead of real garbage dumpster. They are happy that their well earned money is burned like crap through useless showoffs!!
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And the worst part is people are actually enjoying that they are being milked left, right and centre without realising the long term effects.

For instance, we recently had a G20 summit and the current govt in my city spent CRAZY money decorating Like literally spent money as if Mota bhai's daughter is getting married. People were just awestruck that so much money is being spent and that the current govt is very good based on show-offs. Kinda reminded how Hitler awestruck people through illusion and false dreams.

They themselves want to hide the fact that there is no proper garbage collection mechanism and that the garbage truck comes once in 4 days. They will bi**h about it everyday yet happy when their money gives them a tiger manique instead of real garbage dumpster. They are happy that their well earned money is burned like crap through useless showoffs!!

Just reminds me of this excellent read titled "They Thought They Were Free", which talks about how Nazism came into being. Nobody wanted to be a Nazi. It was an offshoot movement, but small changes forced into daily life, one at a time, with killing of dissenting voices made it into the atrocity it was.

Excellent expert from that book:

Your ‘little men,’ your Nazi friends, were not against National Socialism in principle. Men like me, who were, are the greater offenders, not because we knew better (that would be too much to say) but because we sensed better. Pastor Niemöller spoke for the thousands and thousands of men like me when he spoke (too modestly of himself) and said that, when the Nazis attacked the Communists, he was a little uneasy, but, after all, he was not a Communist, and so he did nothing; and then they attacked the Socialists, and he was a little uneasier, but, still, he was not a Socialist, and he did nothing; and then the schools, the press, the Jews, and so on, and he was always uneasier, but still he did nothing. And then they attacked the Church, and he was a Churchman, and he did something—but then it was too late."

"Yes," I said.

"You see," my colleague went on, "one doesn’t see exactly where or how to move. Believe me, this is true. Each act, each occasion, is worse than the last, but only a little worse. You wait for the next and the next. You wait for one great shocking occasion, thinking that others, when such a shock comes, will join with you in resisting somehow. You don’t want to act, or even talk, alone; you don’t want to ‘go out of your way to make trouble.’ Why not?—Well, you are not in the habit of doing it. And it is not just fear, fear of standing alone, that restrains you; it is also genuine uncertainty.

"Uncertainty is a very important factor, and, instead of decreasing as time goes on, it grows. Outside, in the streets, in the general community, ‘everyone’ is happy. One hears no protest, and certainly sees none. You know, in France or Italy there would be slogans against the government painted on walls and fences; in Germany, outside the great cities, perhaps, there is not even this. In the university community, in your own community, you speak privately to your colleagues, some of whom certainly feel as you do; but what do they say? They say, ‘It’s not so bad’ or ‘You’re seeing things’ or ‘You’re an alarmist.’

But the one great shocking occasion, when tens or hundreds or thousands will join with you, never comes. That’s the difficulty. If the last and worst act of the whole regime had come immediately after the first and smallest, thousands, yes, millions would have been sufficiently shocked—if, let us say, the gassing of the Jews in ’43 had come immediately after the ‘German Firm’ stickers on the windows of non-Jewish shops in ’33. But of course this isn’t the way it happens. In between come all the hundreds of little steps, some of them imperceptible, each of them preparing you not to be shocked by the next. Step C is not so much worse than Step B, and, if you did not make a stand at Step B, why should you at Step C? And so on to Step D.
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By sentencing RG to jail, I think the current govt is closer to becoming a communist govt than this fake democracy. Pretty soon there will only be one party and its members, since all others will be in jail on some flimsy pretext.

My knowledge is limited in this current trial, but RaGa did make comments against all "Modis", saying why are all criminals called Modis etc. He wouldn't ever say that against the say the Singhs or the Muslims, so the trial somewhat stands on defaming a whole class of citizens.
Of course the great leader and the party have used this opportunity to seize even more power. The court was smart enough to put RaGa in jail and at the same time suspend his sentence so that he can apply in higher court. I pity the judge. Caught between the rock and a hard place. Lol.
My knowledge is limited in this current trial, but RaGa did make comments against all "Modis", saying why are all criminals called Modis etc. He wouldn't ever say that against the say the Singhs or the Muslims, so the trial somewhat stands on defaming a whole class of citizens.
Of course the great leader and the party have used this opportunity to seize even more power. The court was smart enough to put RaGa in jail and at the same time suspend his sentence so that he can apply in higher court. I pity the judge. Caught between the rock and a hard place. Lol.
It's totally political. Same thing was said by a BJP leader herself and there was no action against her.

When we are having trials for those BJP members who are hell-bent on killing all Muslims and openly express their intentions during rallies? What Rahul Gandhi has said is nothing in comparison to their actions.

Where BJP has excelled is at divide and rule politics. I grew up in Lucknow, and the city always had peaceful existence of all communities, actively celebrating each other's festivals.
Everything has gone to shit now. Someone will take offence to playing colors, someone else will take offence to a person performing namaz etc.
Just flabbergasted and sad to see how much can change in a decade.

It's totally political. Same thing was said by a BJP leader herself and there was no action against her.

As I said, my information is limited in this regard. Stopped watching news channels ages ago since all they would do is increase my BP. And I actively try to be away from Modi related news since nothing good will ever come out to it.
Lol, all these years BJP was saying the same about Gandhi's. Like there is only one Gandhi family in entire India. Plus all their jabs defaming RG as pappu etc and openly calling him names. If they have such thin transparent skins they shouldn't dish it out. Someday some opposition party with balls will come and do the same to these cowards. They were already crying about revenge politics when the Congress was in power but now they are doing even worse. They forget all rules when they want to keep others under check. Party of losers. Probably won the election with large scale cheating too. Their pm didn't even have the guts to step down when they didn't find any black money. Always kept talking about his obese chest too. Born liars and cheaters. Untrustworthy party of liars.
The problem with discussing domestic politics on a platform like this is that emotion run high and nuance is almost always lost. People seldom think from first principles and have already jumped to conclusions. Amplifying the confirmation bias loop is not beneficial to anybody and will only make the divide worse, where both sides have a few good points but can't see the world from the other's viewpoints and become echo chambers instead of reaching common ground.

Please try to break that cycle.
If you think that was aam junta revolting against the reforms, mate you're innocent as a child.
Heh, I've already discussed this in places and know the deal. Toolkit operation where something small is magnified beyond reality. External actors like Rihanna & Greta could not for the lives of them even find Punjab on the map. Another example toolkit operation is the George Floyd protests. Or how to generate a disproportionate reaction to some grievance or wrongdoing using systematic methods and modern communications. Great payday for the media who get co-opted to further some nefarious goal

It was middlemen instigating people so they would avoid taxes as a result of reforms. That is all you need to know. The funding came from abroad to keep these jokers on the streets for weeks and months. And then the disgrace at republic day two years back. Same fake demonstration as anti-CAA.

A law that was passed democratically was rejected by people who do not believe in democracy. They went to the streets instead. They rioted. All attempts at dialogue were rejected by their reps who showed up and sat with their backs to govt officials. How ironic that the govt would be charged for being autocratic. Only the misinformed, motivated or naive buy it.

In the process, they stalled something that should have been done 30 years ago. This was no 'farmers' protest but just some landlords in Punjab with some solidarity from Harynana. The rest of the country's farmers have already moved along. No protests were seen anywhere else.

They wanted to retain a colonial-era reservation. Brits gave the Sikhs reservation in military & agriculture around 1890. Why? because Sikhs with Hindus could not be taken on but if they were separated then the Sikhs were vulnerable and therein lies the source of separatism. It was the Brits.

Now if you aren't aware of what I said above, Not my fault.
The problem with discussing domestic politics on a platform like this is that emotion run high and nuance is almost always lost.
Let the adults talk and the kids watch. Works
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The problem with discussing domestic politics on a platform like this is that emotion run high and nuance is almost always lost. People seldom think from first principles and have already jumped to conclusions. Amplifying the confirmation bias loop is not beneficial to anybody and will only make the divide worse, where both sides have a few good points but can't see the world from the other's viewpoints and become echo chambers instead of reaching common ground.

Please try to break that cycle.

Trying to find good points in BhaJiPav party:

The good news is short selling is difficult to do in India. The bad news is because it is the drop becomes more than it should be

It's still not clear who made out in this stunt and how much. More will come out with time and validate earlier suspicions. They could be whistleblowers to tap on the other side
The good news is short selling is difficult to do in India. The bad news is because it is the drop becomes more than it should be
1) In liquid stocks, we have stock futures. Very easy to short and you get paid to do it too via premium. Some adani stocks have futures. Institutional stuff i don't know.
2) In liquid markets, shorting is a good thing for price discovery.
3) Markets can sometimes overextend on both sides, and esp on downsides, but overall they are quite efficient in processing information due to competition ( liquid markets). if that was not the case, trading/investing would be easy. On balance, stock price is where it should be based on available info and future uncertainty. Price can be distorted if float is low which is what allegedly caused the crazy rally in Adani stocks.
4) Shorting is not easy.
5) Rest we can speculate.

The good news is short selling is difficult to do in India. The bad news is because it is the drop becomes more than it should be

It's still not clear who made out in this stunt and how much. More will come out with time and validate earlier suspicions. They could be whistleblowers to tap on the other side

Rather than asking corporate accountability and transparency, you're pointing fingers at those who did rigorous due diligence and put their money where their mouth is. And surely got rich.
Short selling is LEGAL. I've shorted options many times. Heck, every Tom Dick and Harry would have shorted Adani after the report.
Somebody did the hard work of reading through their bullshit and released that info to the world, and transparently shorted them, mentioning it on the report as well.
I would call Hindenburg more accountable, transparent and respectable than Adani.
Here's a port agreement that has been hanging fire since 2008. When you look at the map it's obvious what it's good for. The Port's complete, just a short road needs to be built. The govt does the infrastructure and then finds a private operator to run it. They got one.

US sanctions not to impact the contract because it continues to be a government-to-government project

Kazani said that the sanctions imposed by the United States on some Burmese military leaders and military holding companies responsible for the coup that overthrew Myanmar’s democratically elected government on February 1 and the human rights abuses that followed will not impact its contract in that country because it is funded by the Indian government and continues to be a government-to-government project.

I'm amazed how they got around sanctions for this one. Why is Bharat freight not subject to sanctions? because of the reason above.

Why couldn't Adani work out a similar deal?

Why dilemma? No sanctions right?

Coup in 2021. And so 15 years later. We're still waiting :bored:


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