Adobe Photoshop - How to remove black bacground in camera captured document ?

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I use my N8 to capture documents which does a beautiful job with its AF enabled camera. But when i take print outs, i am getting black shades printed along with the document. This is annoying. Is there any special application or PS CS6 to remove this . In simple terms i want the content to printed excluding the background colour ?

Facing this trouble for a long time. Is it possible to fix this in ADOBE PS ?

thanx in advance.
Can you post an image of the final print? Going by what you have described, it looks like an issue with the print setup rather than the photograph actually.
If I get the problem right, I think this can be improved by setting the printer toner settings to a milder value. I have seen this happen when taking printouts with toner settings of full black
Select Color range, remove it, pump the rest of Text to pitch black.. print..

or you can use OCR and print doc
Friends Just take a printout of this captured document and you will know what i meant. Actually i dont know how to correctly explain this..

please note that the original image size was around 2MB and i have resized it to fit the attachment quota...

For instance if you take a xerox of blank paper, you will not get blank copy outputted but a copy with black shades.. I think you guys understood..

thank you very much in advance
Well, if issue is something like I we get in xerox, I guess this is not the matter of photo and its editing.
Rather problem is with printer. Other members might help better solving printer related issue.. Did u opted agantuk and max_demon guidance??
Surely an issue with the printer setup, rather than the photograph as such (unless of course, the source is of a photocopied book). Do let us know which printer you use? Have you changed/refilled cartridge/toner recently?
Actually guys, whenever i capture a document (ANY including newspaper cutting) the output is like that. Will i have to chose greyscale or some other setting in my camera or is there anything i have got to play with the colour settings in Photoshop ?. For your convenience i will capture a document take and print out and attach it here , so you can be sure of whats the issue... Will do it today guys...

printer is HP laserejet 1008
Try printing this:


Edit: Didnt read the subsequent posts, if its a problem with the printer, try cleaning the cartridge through the maintenance menu.
seems to me problem is with the camera he uses to capture. there is no white point adjustment in the pic. that's the reason an almost white paper looks like its been smeared in soot.
@ manu - Will try and report back. I think I will get it. BTW how did you do it ? With photoshop ?. Method ?
6pack - you are right. But i am weak in image editing tools. May be i have to play with the camera settings. But where is the white point adjustment in camera. I know PS has it but will check on my N8 and report

thanx a lot guys....

---------- Post added at 09:58 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:38 PM ----------

@ manu1991 - I have taken a print out of the image and exactly thats what i want. Good work mate. I took it in a A4 size paper and the fonts look little enlarged. But is it because i reduced the image resolution ? But that doesnt matter as there is no black shade (still dont know what to call that). How did you do it mate ?. Can this be done while capturing the document or only after that by using tools like Adobe PS ?
what I did here is Dodge tool to remove vignetting, when the picture looked even.. Adjusted the levels to increase contrast and erased unnecessary artifacts


  • 12639d1340630800-adobe-photoshop-how-remove-black-capture2.jpg
    100.2 KB · Views: 121
@jinvidia, i think its called white balance in your camera's settings. try this method to get a good photo.
keep the book in a brightly lit place. ex. near a window or directly under a tubelight.
if you can set iso for the camera, set it to 200.
white balance should be auto. exposure compensation setting - 0. i dont know what other options are available in your phone so cannot tell you more.
in your phone preview, if you can see the paper almost white, then take a pic. else play with settings like push up iso to 400 and try.
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what I did here is Dodge tool to remove vignetting, when the picture looked even.. Adjusted the levels to increase contrast and erased unnecessary artifacts
thank you mate. Is there any special software to do this job without playing with the camera settings or with PS ?

---------- Post added at 10:09 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:07 PM ----------

jinvidia, i think its called white balance in your camera's settings. try this method to get a good photo.
keep the book in a brightly lit place. ex. near a window or directly under a tubelight.
if you can set iso for the camera, set it to 200.
white balance should be auto. exposure compensation setting - 0. i dont know what other options are available in your phone so cannot tell you more.
in your phone preview, if you can see the paper almost white, then take a pic. else play with settings like push up iso to 400 and try.

thanx a lot. Will try that. It seems i need to learn a lot about the functions of these settings and Adobe PS...
yes, keeping even lightning while taking camera Will surely improve, is it an android? I remember there was some app for android which not only scanned the document but also OCR'd and save the result in .doc
@ manu - Will try and report back. I think I will get it. BTW how did you do it ? With photoshop ?. Method ?
6pack - you are right. But i am weak in image editing tools. May be i have to play with the camera settings. But where is the white point adjustment in camera. I know PS has it but will check on my N8 and report

thanx a lot guys....

---------- Post added at 09:58 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:38 PM ----------

@ manu1991 - I have taken a print out of the image and exactly thats what i want. Good work mate. I took it in a A4 size paper and the fonts look little enlarged. But is it because i reduced the image resolution ? But that doesnt matter as there is no black shade (still dont know what to call that). How did you do it mate ?. Can this be done while capturing the document or only after that by using tools like Adobe PS ?

I did it in Picasa. Just some basic functions.
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