Ads Ads Ads Aaargh...

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You switch on the Television and all you get to see are ads. You go on flipping channels hoping to see something rather anything but all you find are ads.

Without a TV guide there is no way to find out what is going on.

I seriously find it very aggravating so much so that at times I want to toss my own television out the window (Can't do that- Mom will kill me if I can't get a replacement before her show starts - the show she watches not starrs in) or shoot the part of brain that suggested, "Chalo lets watch TV today."

One can always argue -
- If it irritates you why not turn off the TV instead of whining about it.
- There is nothing good to watch on TV anyway. <- This on its own is a huge topic so is the line below.
- All News channels show news in an over dramatized manner....

I don't watch a lot of television just a few shows like Top Gear, F1, a bit of Shin Chan, etc.,

Here is what I have seen -
They cut shows doesn't even matter if someone is saying something they just switch to ads. When ads are over they don't continue from where they left.
F1 broadcast on Star Sports always had ads but they were few and duration was far less compared to what it is today.
The duration for which Ads are shown has increased to god knows how many minutes during shows. I am sure when you watch a show, 2/3 time is spent on ads. Hopefully you are not watching a DBZ episode.
Many a times I forget what I was watching.
Shows themselves act as ads to promote upcoming movies or events.
Watching a Movie on TV is just like experiencing a never ending nightmare especially when you are close to the ending. There are only 2 ways to watch a movie if you don't see it in a theatre - Rent the DVD or Pirate it.

I don't know if broadcasters lack common sense but there should seriously be a law to limit the number of ads that are shown on TV.
Usually ads are shown for about 5-6 minutes. Could be more like on NDTV they show ads for about 8-9 minutes in between the programs. Dont know about StarTV or Zee. Probably around the 10 minute mark.
What i dont like is star cricket hd broadcasting their own shows promos instead of showing the match live. hate those laliga ads a lot now. and absolutely i hate those grey's anatomy meredith ads that pop up on screen on star world hd when a serial is being shown. i feel like punching something. irritating ad.
Star Movies is worst offender when it comes to ads. They showed ads for Avatar while other movies were on. In the middle of the fraking screen. And Set Pix followed the 'trend'.
Made by me.

Another thing is, the end credits are never played. Gimme a break!!!
:P Yeah,It's worse than that,They had a GIF with some character i think it was from avatar or spiderman,It was an animation with a character comes in suddenly between a movie and it breaks your tv screen.It was totally annoying.:mad:
Star Movies is worst offender when it comes to ads. They showed ads for Avatar while other movies were on. In the middle of the fraking screen. And Set Pix followed the 'trend'.
Made by me.

Another thing is, the end credits are never played. Gimme a break!!!
I have watched TV for maybe 60 Hours in the last 10 years or so and a decent percentage of time was comprised of Ads. Its so pointless that I have stopped bothering. I would rather watch a movie or anime without Ads on my PC for the zillionth time than bother with TV.
And then they tell us why we do piracy. Give us ad free experience at reasonable price and we shall not pirate movies.

I have watched TV for maybe 60 Hours in the last 10 years or so and a decent percentage of time was comprised of Ads. Its so pointless that I have stopped bothering. I would rather watch a movie or anime without Ads on my PC for the zillionth time than bother with TV.

I would echo that, sir. The only reason I have "cable" at home is; when relative and friends come, and they pine for it. Else I never switch on the STB. Useless crap, plus the content is even worse. Doordarshan days were much much better.
^^ And I thought I was the only chap who had forsaken the tube. Now it also has been smartened to beam your latest fb updates and tweets directly while a show is running -- because all devices are being smartened.

@raksrules, it is just double-click now.
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TRAI is working on standardizing the advertisement to programming ratio on TV channels in India. TRAI's “Standards of Quality of Service (Duration of Advertisements in Television Channels)”, is in draft stage and once passed will become a regulation.

The regulation has interesting points like:

  • No broadcaster shall, in its broadcast of a programme, carry advertisements exceeding twelve minutes in a clock hour.
  • These may include up to 10 minutes per hour of commercial advertisements, and up to 2 minutes per hour of a channel’s self promotional programmes.
  • It also provides that all advertisements should be clearly distinguishable from the programme and should not in any manner interfere with the programme viz., use of lower part of screen to carry captions, static or moving alongside the programme.
  • Picture and Audible matter of advertisements shall not be excessively 'loud'

Plus there are other recommendations, which when enforced, would vastly improve the end customer experience. And these regulations would be enforced with the next year :)

Those interested can read the recommended regulations by TRAI at Home: Telecom Regulatory Authority of India

Direct links: amendment as uploaded-14sep12.pdf

TRAI is crock bull organization. They cannot implement jack. I still get solicitation SMSs and stupid calls, being on extreme DnD.
Was discussing this with a friend just a couple of days ago. You should either be a jobless person or a sage to be able to watch TV nowadays, especially those movies that premiere on TV a short time after their release. Yesterday my family was watching the film "3" on Sun TV. It was stretched to exactly 4 hours (movie run time is actually less than 2.5hrs). More annoying was the fact that one song had a separate sponsor, so a special ad before the song and after the song. :@ The one break movie concept is what I really like, nowadays.

Small ads running in the corner of the screen is another extremely annoying trend. My tv watching time has become very little in the past few years, but the ads will make sure it goes to zero soon.
Doordarshan days were much much better.

I won't say just Doordarshan days there were a lot of other channels and shows that are way better than what is being telecasted today.

Considering how horrible shows and movies are these days how do they find so many sponsors?
@asingh - Do you remember Crystal maze, GI Joe, Snakes and Ladders, Ek minute, Power Zone (CN), etc., These shows were not on Doordarshan but they were awesome and made watching TV fun.

Heck how could you forget Spaaaaaaaaaaaacee Ghost? I am sure he will haunt you tonight :bleh:
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Star Movies HD doesn't have more than 30 seconds of ads. And Zee Studio HD maybe has just 1.5 minutes of ads. At least 20 minutes go by continuously without ads on both these channels. I watch a lot of English movies on both of them.
Star Movies HD doesn't have more than 30 seconds of ads. And Zee Studio HD maybe has just 1.5 minutes of ads. At least 20 minutes go by continuously without ads on both these channels. I watch a lot of English movies on both of them.

Watch English movies on TV with Indian Censorship where all swear words are muted some scenes are removed for being remotely violent or explicit at times breaking the movie.

Hmmmm.... :23:
TRAI is crock bull organization. They cannot implement jack. I still get solicitation SMSs and stupid calls, being on extreme DnD.

Those TRAI rules could come into effect albeit with a few modifications. Believe me TRAI is not as toothless as you think.

Also, about the sad state of television, there is a good reason. The industry is seeing some slowdown, expert believe that the giant TV bubble is starting to burst. The industry is running scared. So there has been a stupid kneejerk reaction to the slowdown. Every channel is trying to book maximum profits. And this has been happening for 3 odd years.

Moreover there has been a giant explosion in the number of TV channels and the market has saturated. This means lower ad rates due to close competition. So to maintain or grow you have to keep selling more space. At a certain channel i used to work at we used to have 22-24 mins of programming per half hour which is pretty reasonable and is the established international standard. However this was reduced to 19 min. Horrible!

Of course right now the TV industry is quite happy as they think it that they have managed to beat the slowdown and saturation by selling more space. I don't think they realise how damaging this strategy is in the long term. They are turning viewers off television. Hell, I work in TV and even I barely watch it.
I'd be happy if they stopped showing those IBF - "If you have any objection to the content on this channel, blah blah" ad while a program is running. Most of the programs are neutered to death with beeps, cuts etc. We wouldn't find anything objectionable in them even if we wanted to. They could put it before or after the program runs for a few seconds or if they want to layer it on something, put it on the ads.
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