Advice : buying Apple Iphone 3gs 8 gb from USA

My frnd sis is in USA. Is there a way she can get a iphone for me without much hassle. She is a lady so i dont want her running here n dere.

Is there a way she b able to buy a contract for iphone an then leave.

I can pay it from my credit card from here . Dats not a problem.

I dont knw , abt the procedure , so can sum1 guide me plz.
Soory am a noob
I dont think they can take a contrat and leave. you will end up paying way too high price.. better to see any second hand phones which are alrady out of contract and unlocked.
Look you can easily get a used 3GS 16GB for around $300 on Keep looking for the right deal and then go for it.

Please be aware that there is an unlock for 3GS 4.2.1 out there, but it requires flashing your baseband to that of an iPad and that is off-putting for some users. Me, I am using that unlock for the past 2 months and haven't looked back.

Your best bet is to get a used/new piece off ebay. You can request the seller to ship it using any number of express shipping methods available, as long as you are ready to pay the extra dough for it. Keep hunting for good deals. I got my 3GS 16GB for $270 shipped so you can easily get a similar deal.