Advice for a 9K full QWERTY phone



Preferred Form Factor(flip, bar, slider)?

Preferred display type?

Do you have any brand preference or dislike? Please name them.

Preferred input method
Physical QWERTY

Camera required or not?
wont be used, so I dont care.

Preferred operating system?
Dont care

Preferred connectivity options? (3G, Wifi, Edge etc).

What is your intended use for this phone(internet, camera, multimedia, mails, etc)?
Just browsing the internet. Nothing more, nothing less.

Any other requirements?
Cant think of any :23:

If you have already considered a phone then please mention the model.
Nokia E72/Nokia E5/ Blackberry Curve 8520

The phone will be used only for browsing the internet, and nothing else.
Also the cost of most 3G plans out there, I guess I will be able of afford only Airtel GPRS :p

The E5 has 256 MB RAM vs 128 MB for E72 and the Curve 8520, though I dont think that matters, because I am not going to do any gaming on it.

Both the E5 and the E72 have 600MHz CPUs while the BlackBerry has 512MHz. Though I dont think that matters.

And lastly, and most importantly, do we need to get a BlackBerry plan to use the the BlackBerry, or will the simple 96 Rs/1GB recharge work on it???
I do know that without a BlackBerry plan, I will lose out on BBM, but then I am not sure if I need it.

Confused as hell.
If your main purpose is surfing the internet, a full QWERTY isnt the best option..the screen size will be really small. A full touch would be the preferred option.

And are you not considering Android phones?

All three phones you have mentioned are quite dated and more than 2 years old now. Would not suggest them at all.
Nokia 5230 is a resistive touch based screen, maybe thats why you hate it.

A modern multi-touch capacitive screen is far better than it. Try out some of the newer phones and see for yourself.

If you are willing to try android, would suggest the Samsung Galaxy Chat B5330. Newest QWERTY available and comes with Android 4.0 ICS. Approx 7.5-8k if you get a good deal.

If you are still intent on say a Blackberry then at least go for the newer Blackberry 9220. Its close to 10k though.

Not sure if Nokia has any good new QWERTY phones available.
About the Pro Duo
Android has battery issues.
And Android makes sense only if you use a lot of apps.
And as someone rightly said, the joy of Android is if you have a large screen.
The screen is too small for a touch screen
the pinch and zoom - a key Android feature DOES NOT WORK
And above all, its a dual sim, so that means even more ****ed up battery.

And the ChaCha, as for it, its a bit too expensive, and I guess all the above points apply to it too.

- - - Updated - - -

Nokia 5230 is a resistive touch based screen, maybe thats why you hate it.

A modern multi-touch capacitive screen is far better than it. Try out some of the newer phones and see for yourself.

If you are willing to try android, would suggest the Samsung Galaxy Chat B5330. Newest QWERTY available and comes with Android 4.0 ICS. Approx 7.5-8k if you get a good deal.

If you are still intent on say a Blackberry then at least go for the newer Blackberry 9220. Its close to 10k though.

Not sure if Nokia has any good new QWERTY phones available.

Nope, its not because of the Restitive touchscreen that I hate it.
I hate the very concept of touchscreens.
I hate because there are no buttons to press.
I hate it because I cant run t without looking at it.

And as for the chat, it looks pretty ****ed up
Touchscreens are the way it is going to be in the future, you love it or hate it.

As you don't require any multimedia features, I'd recommend saving your money & get something basic like Nokia X2-01 or C3-00 or Samsung Chat series phones. If you're still hell bent on spending (read: 'wasting') your whole budget, get something like Nokia E5-00. All of those phones I mentioned are heavily outdated. I have no idea about Blackberry (never used them), except for the fact that they're going bankrupt soon.

But let me warn you that for full internet experience, Android is the way to go. The way those Java-based phones handle webpages is pathetic. You'll have to deal with lots of "out of memory" errors.

And 3G might be costly as of now, but in future it will come within the reach of everyone. Then you'll again need to change your phone. Also Aircel has some good limited 3G + Unlimited 2G plans at affordable prices.
Touchscreens are the way it is going to be in the future, you love it or hate it.

So now I have to learn from you what to love and what to hate. Thanks for the enlightenment about the future. Not that its needed, or was appreciated, though

As you don't require any multimedia features, I'd recommend saving your money & get something basic like Nokia X2-01 or C3-00 or Samsung Chat series phones. If you're still hell bent on spending (read: 'wasting') your whole budget, get something like Nokia C5-00. All of those phones I mentioned are heavily outdated. I have no idea about Blackberry (never used them), except for the fact that they're going bankrupt soon.

So its you who will decide on my behalf. Also who are you to decide whats a sensible buy for me, and whats wasting money.

But let me warn you that for full internet experience, Android is the way to go. The way those Java-based phones handle webpages is pathetic. You'll have to deal with lots of "out of memory" errors.

And 3G might be costly as of now, but in future it will come within the reach of everyone. Then you'll again need to change your phone. Also Aircel has some good limited 3G + Unlimited 2G plans at affordable prices.

Dude, you are contradicting yourself here. On one hand you say get a something basic like X2-01. O the other you say, get a 3G phone. Make up your mind, kid.

I am extremely sorry to break this to you, but you do indeed come across a faggot-ish android and touchscreen fanboy who has no idea what the poster wants, but posts just for the sake of posting and starting flame war.
^^I sincerely apologize if you find my post insulting you in any way, which I honestly didn't mean to.

1. From what knowledge I've gained in the current tech-scenario, I just gave my views on the current & future scenario. I have no interest in influencing your preferences.

2. Every person who posts here gets recommendations based on his requirements & budget. I just advised that your needs are pretty basic so a basic phone would suffice & you could save some bucks. As you might know almost all new phones above 9-10k are touchscreens. Non-touchscreens are the cheaper ones or the outdated ones.

3. I was not contradicting myself but merely suggesting you that you be future-ready. I just wanted to give you multiple choices on the basis of your needs & my suggestions.
I was a long time BB user and I just migrated to Android. I agree with you that the physical keypad was really nice. I could write huge essays with ease but try as I might I seriously don't really enjoy typing on a touchscreen. However surfing on the small BB screen was boring and surfing on a 3.5" screen and above is much much better to me.

Also browsing WONT work without a Rs 399 BB plan. So you MUST compulsory go for either a Nokia Asha series or a E5 phone.

I haven't used any of the above phones but from the specs alone the Asha 303 seems to be the way to go with a 2.6" screen, 1 Ghz processor BUT it also has a touch screen. So that leaves the Asha 302 or the E5.
^^I sincerely apologize if you find my post insulting you in any way, which I honestly didn't mean to.

1. From what knowledge I've gained in the current tech-scenario, I just gave my views on the current & future scenario. I have no interest in influencing your preferences.

2. Every person who posts here gets recommendations based on his requirements & budget. I just advised that your needs are pretty basic so a basic phone would suffice & you could save some bucks. As you might know almost all new phones above 9-10k are touchscreens. Non-touchscreens are the cheaper ones or the outdated ones.

3. I was not contradicting myself but merely suggesting you that you be future-ready. I just wanted to give you multiple choices on the basis of your needs & my suggestions.

I guess I also went overboard. Was in a bad mood.
No love lost, bro. :1ign40: