Advice for a new refrigerator

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Planning to buy a refrigerator, a double door, samsung is under consideration.

Suggestions please.

Does any1 know how much power consumption difference is there between 185L single door and 230L double door on average use.
Panasonic is good, I guess. Saw one in the panasonic shop today. It is of great build and the salesperson said that it comes with a japanese compressor. Don't actually own one but just my 2 cent.
+1 for Panasonic

the main reason is the freezer is at the bottom, which is good as we in India hardly ever need to use except for the occasional Icecream treat !

Samsung and Hitachi bottom mounted freezer models are way too costly.
sureshmilton said:
Panasonic is good, I guess. Saw one in the panasonic shop today. It is of great build and the salesperson said that it comes with a japanese compressor. Don't actually own one but just my 2 cent.
Nearly all Refrigerators & A/C are made of Japanese compressor but those compressors are made in China.
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