Advice needed for buying a phone around 15-18k

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khanvis2009 said:
come back to this thread after 2-3 months to see who is right . wave users will surely dump their phones .. samsung makes great phones but doesnt provide software support for any bugs that develop in the phone.. it started with the omnia hd .. after a long time they sorted the bugs in the omnia hd but till then users had already picked up other phones .. the same is with galaxy s and wave ..

i remember when the omnia hd came out it was in direct competition to the 5800 . people were going gaga over the omnia hd with the screen and hd playback .. after a few months look what happened to the omnia hd ... the newer technologies overtook it and hd playback became common the value of the omnia hd is zilch but at that time it was the phone to have .+ there were so many bugs in the hd that samsung took a long time to fix also had a fast 600mghz processor and fantastic camera. the same case is with the wave . excellent hardware but better phones will overtake it soon and after 2-3 months ur phone will not look as great it looks now .

give it 2-3 months i am sure u will jump on the winmo7, apple , android or n8 bandwagon and dump the wave . the wave is not a future proof OS .but we shall all only know that as time passes by .
Sorry but have to disagree with you on this one Bada is Samsung's Baby and it will support it as much as it can . Already 3 bada midrange devices are on their way and will be released in a month or so. Also wave has already sol well in most countries and considering that its been only 6 months wave has quite a decent no. of apps. Android was launched 2008 and today after 2 years it has apps comparable to i-phone and similar was the case with apple. Also there have been updated every month on wave from may onwards. Its really a great VFM phone in the 15-18k range with superb hardware.
animish said:
Sorry but have to disagree with you on this one Bada is Samsung's Baby and it will support it as much as it can . Already 3 bada midrange devices are on their way and will be released in a month or so. Also wave has already sol well in most countries and considering that its been only 6 months wave has quite a decent no. of apps. Android was launched 2008 and today after 2 years it has apps comparable to i-phone and similar was the case with apple. Also there have been updated every month on wave from may onwards. Its really a great VFM phone in the 15-18k range with superb hardware.

IMO for an Open Source project support from outside the company i.e. the user community is going to be more important.

And when you compare Bada with any other Open Source OS (Android or even Meego) this is very low and does not seem to be spreading anywhere beyond Samsung phones.
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