Apart from the following template I would like to mention a few details. PC had some no-boot issues with continues beeps without any video et al. I thought the mobo was giving up after nearly 3.5 yrs of service. Removed 1 of the RAM & removed all the front cabinet headers from the mobo (audio & usb, pw reset). Any other combination would give my continuous beeps. Now system is working absolutely fine. Reinstalled OS just for the sake of it. Also ordered Corsair 400r to replace the local cabinet which served me all this while. Still cannot figure out the exact reason of the problem.
With 1 RAM removed there are no performance issues as such but a lot of inconvenience due to absence of USB headers etc. Gaming has decreased to a bare minimum now. Only use of my HD4850 is for movies & its HDMI output to Onkyo 3300 for audio therefore helping me save on an audio card et al. Have not done any audio benchmark but keeps me happy especially for movies. Upgrading the GC is not a part of my plan right now.
Had the following 2 upgrade options in hand:
1. Get a G41 mobo + 8GB Corsair vengeance (Prefer G Skill but RMA issues are holding me back) - Cost 3.4 + 3.5 = 7
2. Get a new procc + Mobo + 8GB Corsair (Cost - '' + '' + 3.5k = 15-20k) Lower the better
Q: What is your budget?
With 1 RAM removed there are no performance issues as such but a lot of inconvenience due to absence of USB headers etc. Gaming has decreased to a bare minimum now. Only use of my HD4850 is for movies & its HDMI output to Onkyo 3300 for audio therefore helping me save on an audio card et al. Have not done any audio benchmark but keeps me happy especially for movies. Upgrading the GC is not a part of my plan right now.
Had the following 2 upgrade options in hand:
1. Get a G41 mobo + 8GB Corsair vengeance (Prefer G Skill but RMA issues are holding me back) - Cost 3.4 + 3.5 = 7
2. Get a new procc + Mobo + 8GB Corsair (Cost - '' + '' + 3.5k = 15-20k) Lower the better
Q: What is your budget?
- 20K
- Q: What is your existing hardware configuration (component name - component brand and model)
- CPU - Intel E7400
- Motherboard - Gigabyte G31
- GPU - MSI 4850
- RAM - Transcend 2X2GB
- Monitor - Samsung 943NWX
- SMPS - Corsair VX450
- Kinston 2x2GB
- 3 HDD's
- Corsair 400r (will be receiving on 29-09-2012)
- Q: Which hardware will you be keeping (component name - component brand and model)
- Monitor - Samsung 943NWX
- SMPS - Corsair VX450
- GPU - MSI 4850
- Corsair 400r
- Q: Which hardware component are you looking to buy (component name). If you have already decided on a configuration then please mention the (component brand and model) as well, this will help us in fine tuning your requirement.
- CPU - e7400
- Motherboard - Gigabyte G41
- GPU - GTX300
- (please mention the rest in above format)
- Q: Is this going to be your final configuration or you would be adding/upgrading a component in near future. If yes then please mention when and which component
- Yes, will upgrade the following within 6 months
- SMPS - 600W
- Cabinet - CM XXX
- RAM - 2X4GB PC8500
- Q: Where will you buy this hardware? (Online/City/TE Dealer)
- Lucknow (As)
- Delhi (Through someone)
- Open to online purchase (Highly preferable even if the costs differ a bit)
- Q: Would you consider buying a second hand hardware from the TE market
- No (Need proper invoice for each item)
- Q: What is your intended use for this PC/hardware
- Gaming
- Browsing
- Desktop Processing
- Download rig, 24x7 operation
- Watching HD movies
- Q: If you will be playing games then which type of games will you be playing?
- Strategy - Civilization 4
- Racing - Grid at medium to high settings
- Q: What is your preferred monitor resolution for gaming and normal usage
- Desktop - 1440x900
- Q: Are you looking to overclock?
- haven't done it till date in my present rig but might go for it
- Q: Which operating system do you intend to use with this configuration?
- Windows 7 64 bit