Advice needed: Going for Cowon J3 + RE ZERO

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^ Yeah the sound amazing for the price. The speed of Orthos can't really be matched by any dynamic drivers. Even the SQ is far better than any dynamic cans in similar range. Best are the YH-100 that Brendon has :P. @ haraakiri , If a AKG 702 deal doesn't work out is postponed , you can try these Orthos for the time being .Pretty good :D
Yeah the Yamaha HP-2 sounded great. Didn't know you were selling them or else I would have got them. :( But then, I don't have an amp to drive them. :P
^^ Believe me, the HD650 sounds pretty good out of my Blackberry phone. The orthos can barely be heard out of my BlackBerry. Even my P3+ cannot power them to decent volumes. :(

You need a decently powered amp like the Sparrow. :)
BF1983 said:
^^ Yup, I bought an RE1 from him 2 weeks back. Got it in a few days. :)

Also if you are interested I am selling my Yamaha HP-2 orthos in a week or so. I bought them for 6k from Titana and I am selling them for same amount (shipping included). They are 30 years old but are modded with damping on the drivers and the cable is changed to a Mogami mini quad cable. (By a head-fier and then by titana)

Its a fast headphone and sounds best with rock music and classical music (Violins, flutes and trumpents sound just amazing with Orthos !). The Sparrow should be able to drive them. Bass does not extend too low and stops around the 35 hz mark. Treble is nice and a strong point of the phones along with the mids. Audio-GD amps are slightly bright so you might face some sibilance. To counter this I EQ down the 10 khz band and the sibilance is gone.

Faheem has heard these headphones too so you can ask him about his opinion. :)
Looks like you got one of the last few pieces. Could barely understand the hindi but I'm quite sure he said there's no more stock :(
I have actually save 13K+ for AKG 702. Unfortunately noone from US is coming till October. It would have been great if I could find an ortho till then. But if I spend 6K, it would be atleast 4-6 months to get AKG. :(
@Brendon If you have something ortho cheaper say 3-4K that would be great. I am plannig to sell of my RE1 and get ortho.
Your description of HP-2 seems tempting though. :ashamed: The sibilance you are talking about, is it vocal sibilance? Unfortunately I am very sensitive to sibilance. :( And I am not at all concerned about bass, just that it shouldn't be boomy and leak into mids.
No it does not have a boomy bass but there is sibilance in the vocals for sure. :(

However as I said, I just reduce the 10 hz band in the EQ and the sibilance is as good as gone. :)

Wish you were in Mumbai so you could try them out first.

The imaging is fantastic, you should try listening to classical music with these cans. I started listening to classical music after getting the HP2s. :D

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Ritvik said:
Looks like you got one of the last few pieces. Could barely understand the hindi but I'm quite sure he said there's no more stock :(
Well that was a good stroke of luck. :)

I would have been miserable without RE1s for so long. They are the most perfect phones for my music and usage. :cool2:

@OP - Dont get the RE1s. They cant be driven properly by just the J3.

Also while the RE ZEROs are balanced, they have an adapter to enable you to use it directly from your player. The RE ZEROs are easier to drive and have more bass.

But you may have to get it directly from
Bought RE0s from Head-direct site and paid $10 for shipping. So worth it. Now looking to move from iPod touch 2nd Gen to Cowon J3 that supports FLAC files.
Nice :)

If you're thinking of amping your phones/iems now or in the near future it might make sense to get a portable player with a proper line out, they sound much better (to my ears at least). The Fuze, Fuze + or a "rockboxable" ipod.
well, I bought RE-Zeros and COWON J3 two months back :P.

re-zeros are excellent, crispy base means I can listen to it for a loong time. My friend bought a Si4 and the boomy base made it uncomfortable after few mins of listening.

it did needed some equalizer tweaking though, after experimenting with combination of jet effects + equalizer I was finally able to achieve excellent reproduction. (Specially with vocals)

J3 is an excellent DAP. excellent playback + customisations.

the only problem with j3 is buggy playlists. dunno when it will be fixed.
^Yes,Fuze+ has very decent sound.

Even I feel it is better than ever popular Clip+.

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Also why don't you try Hippo VB.
they are damn good.
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