0-20k Advice on graphics card to buy and maybe monitor

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A little background Info

I have been away from gaming for around ~5 years. I have some free time on my hands and as such would like to get back to gaming. i was briefly considering a PS4 console, but decided to drop it for now.

I have a recently assembled system.I didn't think It would be used for gaming, But now that I have it, I don't really see why I don't just add a graphics card to it and be done with it.

Was looking at 1050 Tis. I am hoping to replace the monitor , sometime down the line and as such should I need to factor in Free Sync and its equivalent?

Looking for a future proof (3-4 years) card.I don't need to run games at max settings and again 1050s aren't the card to do that.I have a huge back log of old games from 2011(Skyrim, GTA 5) to get through and I am prolly not going to start any new title soon, except mebbe buying Overwatch

Any advice on specific models and brands?

  1. What is your budget?
    • 13 - 15K for card
  2. What is your existing hardware configuration (component name - component brand and model)
    • Processor - Intel Core i5 7400 - LGA1151
    • Motherboard - MSI H110M Pro-VH
    • RAM - Corsair Vengeance 8GB DDR4 LPX 2400MHz
    • Monitor - Acer H235H (7-8 years old)
    • PSU - Cooler Master MWE 450
  3. Which hardware will you be keeping (component name - component brand and model)
    • Everything
  4. Which hardware component are you looking to buy (component name). If you have already decided on a configuration then please mention the (component brand and model) as well, this will help us in fine tuning your requirement.
    • GPU - Looking at 1050 TI 4GB ones
  5. Is this going to be your final configuration or you would be adding/upgrading a component in near future. If yes then please mention when and which component
    • Looking to upgrade the monitor somewhere down the line
  6. Where will you buy this hardware? (Online/City/TE Dealer)
    • Chennai
    • Open to online purchase
  7. Would you consider buying a second hand hardware from the TE market
    • No
  8. What is your intended use for this PC/hardware
    • Gaming
    • Browsing
    • Watching HD movies
  9. Do you have any brand preference or dislike? Please name them and the reason for your preference/dislike.
    • No
  10. If you will be playing games then which type of games will you be playing?
    • RPGs ,FPS, RTS
  11. What is your preferred monitor resolution for gaming and normal usage
    1. Desktop - 1920x1080
  12. Are you looking to overclock?
    • No
  13. Which operating system do you intend to use with this configuration?
    • Windows 7 64 bit
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GTX1050Ti is a pretty good card. It can run pretty much all the recently released games at 30-40 FPS on Ultra setting @ 1080P resolution. So, it should easily be able to survive for 2-3 years, provided you are ready to sacrifice on reducing either the resolution or detail levels for some upcoming games.

Check Ritchi Street, they should give you a best price. As far as brand is concerned, get any top tier ones (MSI, Asus, Gigabyte, Zotac), a single fan version is more than enough cooling for the 1050Ti.

Post your final purchase info here :)
Yeah, a 1050ti is a medium high setting @1080p 60fps card. Old games will run at ultra. A heavily modded Skyrim will be no problem. GTA V will run at a notch below the highest settings at FHD. Doom will run @ ultra above 60 FPS at FHD. Any game released before 2015 should run at ultra at FHD giving you 60 FPS at most times.

And, is there any specific reason to change the monitor? If its FHD 24 inch, its good enough especially for this card. Any sensible upgrade would be to go for a 144Hz monitor or 2K monitor but they would demand more graphics horsepower. Unless, you want to change to a 1 ms 60 Hz monitor?
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Yeah, a 1050ti is a medium high setting @1080p 60fps card. Old games will run at ultra. A heavily modded Skyrim will be no problem. GTA V will run at a notch below the highest settings at FHD. Doom will run @ ultra above 60 FPS at FHD. Any game released before 2015 should run at ultra at FHD giving you 60 FPS at most times.

And, is there any specific reason to change the monitor? If its FHD 24 inch, its good enough especially for this card. Any sensible upgrade would be to go for a 144Hz monitor or 2K monitor but they would demand more graphics horsepower. Unless, you want to change to a 1 ms 60 Hz monitor?

Yes, It is a full HD monitor. I was just worried about the on/off switch acting up now.I have had it replaced twice within its warranty period.So I am mentally prepared for it to fail again. To Acer's credit, It was replaced with a new one and not a refurbished one.Think they even bumped it up to a slightly higher model.

I am just a casual weekend gamer for now and for the foreseeable future.I just want it to run without issues.If an 7 year old monitor can handle it without any obvious issues, I am fine with it. I just thought it may have issues.
Yeah, a 1050ti is a medium high setting @1080p 60fps card. Old games will run at ultra. A heavily modded Skyrim will be no problem. GTA V will run at a notch below the highest settings at FHD. Doom will run @ ultra above 60 FPS at FHD. Any game released before 2015 should run at ultra at FHD giving you 60 FPS at most times.

And, is there any specific reason to change the monitor? If its FHD 24 inch, its good enough especially for this card. Any sensible upgrade would be to go for a 144Hz monitor or 2K monitor but they would demand more graphics horsepower. Unless, you want to change to a 1 ms 60 Hz monitor?

Exactly my thoughts!
Just go for 1050Ti and keep your monitor for as long as it lasts. Better yet, hook it up to your TV and game on it! You'll never go back to monitor sized screens :P
Just a quick question is 10.5k good deal for a Gigabyte gtx 1050ti oc card.. With around 1.5yrs indian warranty left..
Sorry op.. Hope you won't mind..
Sure. But when its 13k for 4GB OC offline. you should decide if 2.5k is worth. Its 12.2k on primeabgb[DOUBLEPOST=1511700765][/DOUBLEPOST]plus zotac 1050ti OC comes with 5 year warranty. I'd prefer that.
Best link for zotac 1050ti oc 4gb..
On a second note the seller for used gigabyte ti came down to 10k last.. Local hand to hand deal btw..
Hey bud, that 1050ti for 10k is an excellent deal. Go for it. 5 year warranty is good if the card is within 10 percent of the price of the card with 3 year or 2 year warranty. Any 1050ti won't last for 3 years anyways at FHD high settings. A premium of 3k (which is 30% of the price) is not a good deal for 2 more years of warranty especially for a card at this range. Plus, if a card works fine, there are very less chances of it ever failing within 3 4 years.
As for the brand, has anyone used inno3d ?. This brand has stepped the Indian market. IMO the coolers look like sub standard quality. Any ideas?

Thank you..

I have an inno3d GTX 960 which I have been using for past 2 years. The build quality seems okay but there has been a issue of coil whine since the first day.
I still would suggest you to go with the inno3d card.
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