PC Peripherals Advice on new speakers for 2.5 to 3k

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Guys i have got ATP3... they are really really gud....

got one more question... is there any spl sound tracks that cud help checking the spkr and any tracks that help to determine the best place and direction to place the woofer.

Is it better to place the woofer on the floor or on a wooden table like the comp table?
1> The woofer should definitely go on the floor. If you place it on a table, the table will vibrate, thus distorting the sound.

2> Tracks for testing your spks- use whatever you listen to daily, and are familiar with.

3> For placing the woofer, I've read about this method at many places- Place the woofer in your chair ( i.e, where you would normally sit. Play some music with good bass in it. Then, crawl around the floor ( on all fours), and check where the bass sounds the best. Voila, thats it. Now switch places - you go in the chair, and woofer goes on the floor.

This is not a joke - I'm serious. However, murphy's law will kick in, and the best sound will likely be the last place where you can keep the woofer. e.g., right in front of the door :ohyeah:
ATP3!! Thats nice. How much? and where did you buy it. Keep it on the floor, it gives better bass.
PM me ur gmail id or IM id so that i can transfer u a song and tell me the timings when u come online.
I got it for 2.9k... in Supreme... Delta quoted 3k and most other shops quoted 3k.... wasnt able to find Logitech X-230.... but i am very very satisfied with these speakers....

Saiyan i was initially planning to check ur speakers before buying... but all of sudden decided to buy on saturday morning and went at 7:30 after office to buy them....
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