advice on rtx 3070 purchase pricing


I am planning to buy a rtx 3070 off facebook marketplace for 17.5k, is that a good price for the card right now ?
i have two offers both for 17.5k one is msi rtx 3070 VENTUS 3X OC and other is INNO3D RTX™ 3070 TI ICHILL X4 - which one is better or just flip a coin buy one
i found a rtx 3070 dell oem card for 15.5k but while both msi and inno3d card have 2x8 pin dell has only 1 8 pin connector
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msi rtx 3070 VENTUS 3X OC
that is about what you would expect, you can try and haggle the price down to 16 or 16.5k but the price is usually around 17-18k for a used 3070. Get the MSI one instead of INNO 3D, also go for a face to face deal and check the card thoroughly and ask for benchmarks and stability tests with date and name in the background before purchasing.