Car & Bike Advise on Royal Enfield

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With the new UCE engine the original thump is gone. If you really want to enjoy a bullet get hold of an 80s model and restore it. Nothing beats the pleasure of getting ur hands dirty and the awesome thump of the older version.
^^^ I know #[member='Roxtin'].. lot of people who've had bullets for a significant period of their lives say the same thing.. but its just that the old bullets do come with their fair share of problems and headaches.. and although I have loved the newer enfields, i am not so passionate that all those problems get overshadowed by my enthusiasm for the bike.. I have never known the feel of older bullets.. except, i once rode a bullet diesel which my elder brothers friend had.. that was a long time ago .. i dont even remember the feel.. so i guess what i dont remember, is not going to disappoint me.. whatever the experience of the new enfields, its going to be an entirely fresh one for me.. whatever the bike has to offer, theres not going to be any comparison in my mind with the older grand daddy bullets that people still love. .. but still, if i ever do get the opportunity to ride an older bullet, will definitely experience it.. the dealership owner in my city has a 15 year old restored machismo in full military style and thin horse type saddle seats.. will see if he ever lets me test ride that one..
hey guys.. thank you all for your feedback.. now, what i'd like to know further is what is going to be the best way to ride the bike once on the street for the first time.. i mean, i have read all about running in the engine, and also downloaded the manual which has speed limits given in each gear that have to be followed. but still, all that is just written data. i would also like to have some practical advice and dos and donts with the bike while absolutely new or atleast until the first 1000 to 2000 kms.. I know my bike is not due for delivery for the next 4 to 5 months. But still, i'd like to have as much feedback and knowledge about it before i get my hands on it.. .
Looks like I am late to the thread. Almost everything about new UCE has been spoken.

#[member='puneetritehere'] Congrats for the new bull and welcome to the family.

#rdst_1 I can very well understand why you thing new bulls dont feel like real bulls when comparing to old one. But I beg to differentiate at some point. Down if have elaborated it

Well, I own a 1980 bullet (restored, bit mods).. The beautiful and real cast iron engine stuff
Also we have a small RE group in the city with new and old bikes and we make small tours also ~500km generally

With my small experience I gained, I think a true, hardcore bulleter guy should own two bullets One old CI engine 350cc bullet and one new UCE engine 500cc bullet..

The CI engine bullets are unmatchable for their "bullet wali feeling", the thump, the ride. I use mine as for daily commutation.

Get me in written, even CBR guys would turn around to see your bullet in the city, stare at bike when you overtake them and what not

Even I turn around to see other bull and consider as mutual salutation to other bulleters
I find it the best bike you can ride in the city. Thoughts might differ as some think it is too heavy for city, not enough pickup. I disagree. (can argue too)

If you are a guy with a touring spirit I find (classic) 500 a excellent option.

Being with a RE group which has few 500s too, I realized these biggies are not just about quick acceleration etc. They have great stability which helps us a lot in touring.

The engine is powerful enough to fight any tough situation. in our rides we had undergone situations where we had clearly seen how 500 is winner over 350 because of its power, torque and stability.

Two of our riders had sold their UCE 350 after using 3 months to buy a 500. I had convinced them to get a CI 350 later to attain bullet nirvana.


I wont say UCE require less maintenance than old ones, coz even CI ones need no special maintenance, just regular keep up and it goes well. However, UCE are definitely more reliable than old ones. Atleast it wont stop anyway in the road suddenly like old bullet might.

About seat comfort. it is good that you find it comfortable, however in general ppl didnt found classic seat to be comfortable for long drive. The reason is, for good comfort in long drive you need small support at the back of your butt. Thats why most bike's front seat are bit curvy. People has successfully modded classic seat to add butt support to make it curvy and comfortable.

You would certainly be know other general notes for driving new bike. Dont drag it to hell, dont exceed speed of 70kmph (or what ever the limit for classic) for first 3k kms. Get first service timely at 500kms.

Note of Caution : If you like bending the bike at turns be cautious while extremely bending the bike (like in ghats) during right turn. In UCE bullets the brake paddle's lever passes below the exhaust hot tube. Thus while turning if you apply rear brake the lever goes quite low and might get rubbed with ground if you had bend enough.
thanks #[member='ashvarybabul'] .. . even i wanted a 500 .. i test rode it, and there is a lot of difference felt between the 350 and 500.. about the seat comfort, even i thought the same about having a small elevation at the back for giving butt support. this also helps in being more relaxed while quick accelerations.. right now when i test rode the 500 and pushed it hard, i realized that i had to hold the handle bars really tight in order not to get thrown back. if there had been a little butt support, a lot of pressure would be relieved from the hands and i could just have pushed myself into the seat to maintain a proper riding position.... will see what options are available in my city.. incase i am not able to get a decent aftermarket seat in my city, do you know any place or any dealer who has some online catalogue or anything and can ship the seat to me???
Booked a Classic 350 and cancelled it.

Why? Waiting period which was originally 6months was increased to 10-12 months.

F**k yeah, I better stick with my Activa and my Car.
Booked a Classic 350 and cancelled it.

Why? Waiting period which was originally 6months was increased to 10-12 months.

F**k yeah, I better stick with my Activa and my Car.

which city are you in dude??? if the waiting period increased like this after you booked, its your dealer whos the idiot. you should talk to him about this. he must have given your bullet to someone he knows who must've insisted on getting the bike instantly.
for after market stuffs just take ur bike for a spin and reach delhi
and head straight away to khachanji ..

for run -in just follow the steps in the manual and u will be good to go.

Some two cents:

1. use self start for first start on the bike each morning and leave on idle for 30 - 40 secs.

2. no sudden rip - ups and brakes. drive like a gentleman for 1k kms.

3. plz turn the lights off and then start ur bike. ( its a gen tip and many ppl overlook it. )

4. try not to break 60 kmph mark for first 500 kms. after tht gradually open up each gear at variable speeds.

#[member='ashvarybabul'] : i thot tht brake pedal prblm was only for 500's. are they redundant in 350's too?? though i always take care while bending
. Yup u are rt about owning 2 bulls. I have done the first part of buying a cl 500. will start on second after sometym 350 CI
^ Shouldn't point #1 be "Use kick for the first start of the day?" using the electric start will strain battery, I would idle it for 60-90 secs before pushing off.

I really don't see the brake lever as an issue, barring emergencies, you are not supposed to be braking when leaning through the corner.

#[member='puneetritehere'] - very few cities ( off the top of my head Mumbai, Bangalore, Chennai, Ahmedabad, Vadodara and Delhi) will have 3-4 months waiting, the rest of us have to be content with a minimum of 6 months for any model. In pune there was a 10 month waiting for a classic 350 one year back.

blufox's reaction was justified, I would have cancelled my booking and given the middle finger too if the dealer randomly doubled my waiting period.
#[member='soggy316'] .. yeah. thats true.. anyone would feel like punching the dealer.. even in my city the waiting was 12 months about 4 months back.. its just that right now the dealer in my city has been stocking little bit and hence able to reduce the waiting periods.. the same happens in punjab and chandigarh. enfields are in so much demand over there that dealers just stock it.. one can get an enfield in places like chandigarh straight away or within 10 days.. one can just select from the stock and take the bike straightaway..

#[member='soggy316'] #[member='aquaticbullet'] which is the correct one??? using starter or kick in the morning???
#[member='aquaticbullet'] bullet - you said self start 1st thing in the morning

Also why do you need a neutral finder? I find neutral between every gear
especially when i downshift for a corner on wet roads
oops !! i misread ur post
.. i have read and confirmed from lot of forums, bikers and dealer tht the first strt shud be self strt then it's upto u whether u want to use kick or self strt.
A team mate recently ordered a 350 Classic. He inquired at 5 different dealers when finally he found one who was ready to give him the bike in 6 months. The other 4 dealerships belonged to the same owner and I think they are creating an artificial scarcity to jack up the prices.

If anyone in Pune is looking for Bullets go to Kings Auto, Baner. All Classics have a 6 month waiting, Electra has a 3 month waiting.
After going through all these posts, i can't help myself but envy people with bullets.

Wish i could buy one too, but have to get my driving lessons cleared with some light weight bikes and have to get through my near future expenses.
i was just talking to my maternal grandfather yesterday (75 yrs old).... heres the situation.. me looking at the royal enfield website with the maroon classic 350.

Grandfather: what is this .. are you designing a bike or something?? (i make 3D models on maya, previously showed him a car model, so he thought this too was my work)

Me: No, no, just looking at this bike.. we just booked it a couple of days back..

Grandpa: Oh, you bought a new bike.. thats good.. which one is it???

Me: its a Royal Enfield Classic 350

Grandpa: Enfield???....................hmmm.................. Enfield??? I remember that name.. these were very good bikes and one of the most powerful bikes on the road .. but i thought these were not made and sold anymore in India.. this bike was during the british period..

Me: yeah.. but they started selling again...

Grandpa: Oh.. ok.. you know, in those times, their only model which came was called Bullet.. it was a very powerful and heavy bike.. and it used to make a loud phat phat phat phat.. sound as it went by.. but they were very powerful.. they could handle any kind of rough terrain and overcome any obstacles..

Me: yes Grandpa, the bullet is still available.. . there might have been a few changes in the model and engine than the time from which you remember this bike.. . the company basically has 2 engines in 350 and 500 cc.. we bought the 350 cc.. but even thats good enough. and its still one of the most powerful bikes available in this price segment..

Grandpa: hmm.. yeah.. good.. good.. this is a really good bike..


how cool is that.. .
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