Agents of SHIELD, is it worth watching

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If you are MCU fan, then definitely, season 2 is really engaging compared to season 1. Also comic book TV shows are at the end of the day comic book TV shows, shouldnt be compared to anything mainstream shows
Go for it.[DOUBLEPOST=1431954647][/DOUBLEPOST]Look at wayward pines as well, just aired.
Irrespective of whether you are an MCU fan or not, I think its become a pretty good show on its own. But you'll find it even better if you've seen the movies till last year, especially the Avengers and the Winter soldier. The first 6-7 episodes are OK, not bad not above average. However, they pick it up after that and the ending with the tie in of Winter Soldier made it really good. From 2nd season, it has become good on its own and doesn't need to make use of MCU movies anymore.
Overall a good watch regardless if you're a fan or not. Season 1 ties in a little more closely with the MCU movies then Season 2 gives you a peek into what the MCU future could head towards. I for one am looking forward to how it'll all come together :)
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