Air deccan bookin

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i was trying to book tickets for my dad on the air deccan site... after i specified the name and credit card details the next page confirming the transaction never appeared ... i waited for over 2 minutes and still nothing appeared :S ..i tried opening TE and it opened like a charm ...meant nothing wrong with my im worried if the bas!@#@ds got the credit card number and the cash coz after i checked up with the PNR number the ticket had failed to much for air DHAKKAN :@ the page was encrypted and stuff but what use is it of when it doesnt open :| is it a firefox issue ? i wasnt dum enough to try the same thing on IE coz its a credit card im experimenting with :S ...
eh check with your bank if they got the money ir not.. I booked online several times never had a problem with them. But their flights are rarely on time :P
yea gotta check ...but it was as if they knew the page wasnt going to open :S ...They had a warning pop up saying IF THE CONFIRMATION PAGE DOESNT APPEAR check with this PNR number ... my dad doesnt like it either...but unfortunately Jet airways was lik 2k higher :(
AND , Never use firefox for financial transactions.

Just my 2 cents.

Good old IE is the way to go for doing financial transactions.
Darthcoder said:
AND , Never use firefox for financial transactions.
Just my 2 cents.
Good old IE is the way to go for doing financial transactions.

you are absolutely correct
Air Deccan is garbage... everything about them is garbage... their service, their website, their planes... everything. They don't deserve to exist :@.
The transaction wasn't competed at all! As firefox has compatibility issues with their site..! Use IE..! And the transaction is competely secure! No one got your credit nos...! I've booked numerous times..! All fine..! ;)
I agree with Chaos.... but still, I feel happy that thanks to Air Deccan, low cost airlines have taken off in a big way enabling many people to start flying.

Though now, I would prefer Kingfisher over Air Deccan. My dad's favourite arline is still Jet.... though he says Kingfisher is also really neat....
^^Thats their only virtue probably... they reduced air ticket prices of other airlines :rofl:. Jet is easily the best... probably one of the best in the world not just india. KF is great too! really hot chicks as airhostesses.
The transaction wasn't competed at all! As firefox has compatibility issues with their site..! Use IE..! And the transaction is competely secure! No one got your credit nos...! I've booked numerous times..! All fine..!

^^thanks man!!! thats some reassurance right there :) but hope its true..

But my dad says there will be tickets available easily coz not many people travel from here to mumbai ... so its better we go to the airport itself :S My dad likes JET the best as well...though he said kingfisher was great..but the airhostesses were over done :P

on the tech front any idea why it doesnt work with firefox ????
Well...GoAir is good too..nice planes...and cheap tickets...sometimes cheaper than AD...their interface is kindof better...maybe coz they got blue???:P
EDIT: They do offer a small discount if the tickets are booked at the airport on showing ur college Id and all.
no im worried if the bas!@#@ds got the credit card number and the cash coz after i checked up with the PNR number the ticket had failed to much for air DHAKKAN the page was encrypted and stuff but what use is it of when it doesnt open is it a firefox issue ? i wasnt dum enough to try the same thing on IE coz its a credit card im experimenting with ...

relax . this has happened to me too using firefox, it doesn't work. however no money is gone from your card. Do it again using IE.

Air Deccan is garbage... everything about them is garbage... their service, their website, their planes... everything.

deccan has one of the better online booking websites. The rest however is true. Its also my experience that whenever an air deccan flight is late they call you up and update you or sms you. but as far as in flight service is concerened its pathetic. and atleast in the past two years every flight ive taken by air deccan has been late.

Still money matters, and when im paying for it i try airdeccan always. sometimes even the other airlines have as good rates and then its worth going for them.

KF is great too! really hot chicks as airhostesses.

well that may be true, but thats because the skirts are shorter and they all wear red. But there not really going to do anything for you are they? Service wise i feel jet is the best.
LOL thread moved :P actually i posted it in the networking & internet section because of the the browser issues..anyway thanks for all ur advice :D next time i will book using IE :ashamed: :)
shrey said:
^^thanks man!!! thats some reassurance right there :) but hope its true..

But my dad says there will be tickets available easily coz not many people travel from here to mumbai ... so its better we go to the airport itself :S My dad likes JET the best as well...though he said kingfisher was great..but the airhostesses were over done :P

on the tech front any idea why it doesnt work with firefox ????

I have booked my flight tickets on Air Deccan almost every time using firefox (more than 12 times). I had faced a similar problem only once and I was not charged.

Just before the credit card validation, It gives you a transaction number and you have to note it down. After you proceed, It tries to connect with the credit card validation server and validate your details. this is where the problems like timeouts happen. In case of such a thing happening, you can use the transaction number to check the status of the transaction. If the time transaction was successful, It will allow you to continue from there and print the ticket. If its not, then it means that your credit card has not been charged. They are providing the transaction number and asking you to note it down just in case the validation process screws up.

Although Air Deccan service is pretty messed up, But Its still the airline which helped in making domestic Air travel affordable to many people like me. I can go home from Delhi to Hyderabad and back in 6k on average. For that kind of fares what more can you expect from them. I flew Air Sahara once and its just as bad.
bad service or not, Air Deccan changed the face of the aviation industry in India, and I suppose we all feel glad about that....
From a stagnating industry to one of the fastes growing ones in the country...and a major part of the cresit goes to Deccan for that....

As for the transaction screw up, the reverse SSO method followed on almost all sites with online transactions enabled can screw up at times (I have faced it on sites ranging from Air Deccan to Airtel to Newegg and Tigerdirect)
and to give Deccan its fair share of credit, their reference number method is pretty good actually!
^^As I said thats probably their only claim to fame. Cheap fares are their USP... but thats about where it ends.

I've had once and only one experience with air deccan and it was horrid. I'd gotten tempted by the low fares and booked a Blore-Mumbai flight by air deccan. On the morning of the flight at 10am (flight was at 1:30PM IIRC), they sms my cellphone informing that the flight has been cancelled and ask me to call a callcenter number which is perenially jammed. They will not issue me a ticket in any other airline nor do they have any flight on the same day. Since I had to go to Mumbai anyway I went to the airport to find huge commotion at the air deccan counter with passengers badmouthing the ground staff (which they frankly deserved for this pathetic service :P). Left with no option I bought a full fare jet airways ticket and cancelled the air deccan ticket. Well thats my only air deccan experience till date and it was obviously the last one as well. If they operated this way in the US, they'd have been sued to oblivion long long back.
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