Airtel Broadband Double Speed offer

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I applied about 20 days ago , messaged thice n applied online twice but still no response. m on the Rs.649/- 256 kbps UL plan in NCR .. Has any one else got the speeds doubled in NCR region ??
^ Yes , please guys if you have got it done please share your land line number .. the CC here in NCR is clueless . :(
^ i tried giving them a bangalore number on which the service has been activated, unfortunately the cc in delhi/ncr cannot pull out the details for bangalore numbers!
^ Grr , this is so annoying .. I am gonna call them after a while .. last time I talked to the senior over there .. he told me to call back after a few days :@
Airtel has made a big goof up with this double speed offer. They didn't intend everyone to get it, yet ended up telling everyone about this. And when people demand it, they are made to run from pillar to post. I have been tortured by them for the last 40 days regarding this offer.
ajab.ghajab said:
Airtel has made a big goof up with this double speed offer. They didn't intend everyone to get it, yet ended up telling everyone about this. And when people demand it, they are made to run from pillar to post. I have been tortured by them for the last 40 days regarding this offer.
Precisely. I think Bangalore users are getting it instantly, whereas, people from other cities are facing grave difficulties trying to convince them for it.
+1 to ajab's post, I got it activated in under 8 hours after sending the message. A friend (also from Chennai) still hasn't got it after we both applied on the same day. Airtel sent me a mail as well called me about the offer while my friend applied after I told him about it.

He's spoken to them a few times and the keep telling him they're working on it. Did airtel advertise the offer or did it just spread via word of mouth?
I was called twice about this. I only received the call the second time and I accepted. I was on the plan within the next couple of days. Chennai.
Hello Friends,

Just wanted to update that I reside in Delhi and have 649 UNLTD 256 KBPS plan but today after sending request online in a couple of mins my speed has been doubled to 512 KBPS!!! Thanks for the link!!! But I am still confused with the way its been activated on my plan so quickly!!! I am getting around about 75 to 90 KBPS (using IDM) for downloads........:hap2::hap2::hap2::hap2:

I had called Airtel CCE previously when the thread had started but they told me tat offer was only applicable to 512 KBPS and above plans so very much surprised!!!
vb86 said:
^ i tried giving them a bangalore number on which the service has been activated, unfortunately the cc in delhi/ncr cannot pull out the details for bangalore numbers!

Hey, i'm sorry that didnt work out man.

@all: The bangalore Users arent getting anything instantly. I subscribed, they said 10 days. Starting from the 12th day, i gave them 2 calls a day, got 2 tickets opened, heard CC guys telling me every single day "sir, it'll happen by end of tomorrow" and all that stuff. It finally worked out. So:

1. The offer does work, don't curse airtel for something they didnt have to do in the first place.

2. It takes ridiculously long for activation. Mine took 21 days to be precise.

3. I doubt there's a north/south india distinction going on.

Just my 2/100 $
puppeteerX said:
1. The offer does work, don't curse airtel for something they didnt have to do in the first place.
2. It takes ridiculously long for activation. Mine took 21 days to be precise.
3. I doubt there's a north/south india distinction going on.

Just my 2/100 $
1.) Airtel clearly advertised it over their own website and that's proof enough to get hold of them. So it's an official offer, albeit vague, from Airtel.

2.) I have been blasting these people since 3 weeks now an no outcome. They are confused down to the very core. Each employee passes on a different information and say "we haven't got any update about this scheme" which I feel is extremely irresponsible. Considering the fact that it's mentioned on the website and it's written in very clear words.

3.) I don't see anything happening in Bombay for it. So far pretty much everyone reporting that their scheme is activate seems to be from Bangalore. Not implying on anything, but even the CC are clueless about it, which I find very hysterical.
wtf is wrong with these guys ? FFS! sometimes they say its for 128kbps or less users , now CC told me its for DTH users grr :@
udayrulz said:
wtf is wrong with these guys ? FFS! sometimes they say its for 128kbps or less users , now CC told me its for DTH users grr :@
Welcome to the club! It's the same information I have been getting and then some more. So unless some person actually shows them the proof that it's been done for a couple of users out here, they won't get their heads straight.
meet6600 said:
Hello Friends,

Just wanted to update that I reside in Delhi and have 649 UNLTD 256 KBPS plan but today after sending request online in a couple of mins my speed has been doubled to 512 KBPS!!! Thanks for the link!!! But I am still confused with the way its been activated on my plan so quickly!!! I am getting around about 75 to 90 KBPS (using IDM) for downloads........:hap2::hap2::hap2::hap2:

I had called Airtel CCE previously when the thread had started but they told me tat offer was only applicable to 512 KBPS and above plans so very much surprised!!!

Your speed has been increased because MTNL delhi is now giving 512 kbps @ 599 per month along with Rs 100 free calls, free modem , installation & registration. Airtel was forced to double your speds because of this offer by mtnl .MTNL is still better because there is no FUP in their plans.
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